2015 Grand Masters Workshop for Worshipful Masters The Purpose of Masonic Degrees MW & Ill. Barry A. Rickman, 33° P.G.M.
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Albert G. Mackey on Degrees of Freemasonry Goal of Ritual or Degrees; Challenging, Motivating and Inspiring Growth of the Candidate step by step, degree by degree.
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Albert G. Mackey on Degrees of Freemasonry “ The word degree, in its primitive meaning, signifies a step. The Degrees of Freemasonry are, then, the steps by which a candidate ascends from a lower to a higher condition of knowledge.” Albert G. Mackey, 1873 The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Purpose of the EA Degrees of Freemasonry Symbolic of Youth Initiation Experience to Bind the Candidate to Us Enlighten the Candidate as to our Origins Establish His Search for Knowledge and Truth. Purpose and Need for Secrecy. Why do some EA’s Never Came Back?
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Purpose of the FC Degrees of Freemasonry Strengthen the Fraternal Bonds Education of Man and Toil of Life represents Manhood With Trust comes Responsibility Search for more Light, Knowledge or Truth. Duty and Labor are with Him Always. Emphasis on the gifts of the 5 Senses Knowledge of the Liberal Arts & Sciences Knowledge of Geometry. Sacred Mathematics. Why do some FC’s Never Came Back?
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Purpose of the MM Degrees of Freemasonry Symbolic of Old Age A Life Well Spent and Hope of Glorious Immortality Teaches us How to Die with Dignity and Honor Most Meaningful and Solemn Degree Lessons of How to Die Why do MM’s Never Came Back?
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Importance of the Degrees of Freemasonry Committed to our Brethren to TEACH and LIVE the Lessons. Present Degrees with HONOR, DIGNITY, and REVERENCE. Must LEARN & CONFER Degrees. Deliver the Experience to the VERY BEST of our Ability. Treat the Candidate with Ultimate RESPECT. Degrees are ALWAYS FOR THE CANDIDATE.
2015 Worshipful Masters Workshop Purpose of OUR Degrees of Freemasonry “ The word degree, in its primitive meaning, signifies a step. The Degrees of Freemasonry are, then, the steps by which a candidate ascends from a lower to a higher condition of knowledge.” Albert G. Mackey, 1983 The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
2015 Grand Masters Workshop for Worshipful Masters Worshipful Master Challenge, Motivate and Inspire We Must Do That Which is Right!