A Parents Guide to 21st Century Learning and Citizenship
Free digital toolkit Collaboration with P21 members, civic learning experts, and National PTA Connects 21st Century Learning and Citizenship Tips, real world examples, and more! Education for a Changing World – A new resource for parents & families 2
Parents Guide to 21st Century Learning and Citizenship What is 21st century learning and citizenship all about? What does 21st century learning look like? What can parents do to support 21st century learning & citizenship for their kids? What are some real world examples of 21st century learning and citizenship? Where can parents go for additional resources? #P21Parents 3
Who is P21? Leading national advocate for 21st century readiness for all students 12 year history bringing together the education, business, and policy making community Defined the Framework for 21st Century Learning: what students should know and be able to do to succeed in the 21st century global economy Provides numerous resources for supporting 21st century college, career, and citizenship #P21Parents Partnership for 21st Century Learning 4
What are the building blocks to 21st Century Learning and Citizenship? #P21Parents 5
Framework for 21st Century Learning 21st Century Student Outcomes and Support Systems #P21Parents
Framework for 21st Century Learning Core Subjects “3R’s” Reading (English/Language Arts) Mathematics Science Social Studies Economics Government History Geography Civics World Languages Arts & Music 21st Century Themes Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business & Entrepreneurship Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy Environmental Literacy #P21Parents 7
Framework for 21st Century Learning Learning & Innovation Skills – The 4C’s Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication Collaboration Creativity and Innovation Information, Media & Technology Skills Information, Media & ICT Literacy Life & Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility #P21Parents 8
Why is 21st century learning important? 21st century skills linked to better jobs and future job satisfaction Real-world problem solving skills are primary driver of work quality #P21Parents 9
Effective Citizens Understand Engage Act #P21Parents 10
21st Century Citizenship Prepare ALL of our students to be effective citizens Reimagine citizenship from a global perspective Equip students to be savvy and effective digital citizens #P21Parents 11
Why should my family think about 21st century learning and citizenship? Innovation and Creativity Driven Economy Increased Global Connections Information Overflow Expanded Civic Life #P21Parents 12
During the past year 41% of youth between 15 to 25… Participated online in a new political group Wrote or disseminated a blog about a political issue Forwarded a political video to their social network Participated in a poetry slam Mac Arthur Foundation #P21Parents 13
Growing Interest and Need 84% year olds… Say they and their friends would benefit from better understanding of how to evaluate validity of online material Kahne and Middaugh, #P21Parents 14
What can parents do to support 21st century learning & citizenship?
How parents can help support 21st century citizenship Discuss news & current events at home Make decisions about responsible digital practices Talk about your own role in community Think globally and act locally Make connections to resources at school and afterschool #P21Parents 16
Get hands-on with at-home and local activities Explore the world through maps Immerse your family in world culture cuisines, books, music, and language Choose a community project to join with your kids Share what you’re doing with other parents Encourage teens to share their technology skills #P21Parents 17
Make safe digital practice decisions Talk with kids about how to judge accuracy of online news Set consistent rules about what kids do online Use resources for safe mobile and social network practices #P21Parents 18
Real World Examples Who’s teaching 21st century citizenship How it works 21st Century Skills in Action What it looks like beyond the classroom #P21Parents 19
What does a 21st century education look like? Students work in teams tackling projects dealing with real local and global problems Teachers help students ask tough questions and work through problems, but not provide all the answers Students apply their knowledge and prove what they know by presenting to classmates and their community Parents support students and schools by participating, supporting, and connecting at home and in the community #P21Parents 20
Anaheim Union High School District Servathon on Martin Luther King Day 4,000 students across the district completed 160 community service projects Students gathered pledges for the number of service hours completed and helped in projects such as campus clean ups, and toy collections Student petition to City Council for declaration as P21 City Anaheim, CA Photo Credit: Orange County Register Michael Goulding, Staff PhotographerOrange County Register #P21Parents 21
Genessee Community Charter School Students participated in helping GCCS become a Green Ribbon School Teachers integrated community practices into lessons & involved students in broader school activities Students learned about urban development, energy efficiency, composting, and more. Curriculum based on local issues – Imagining a New Rochester, Designing A Community Resource Students shared and presented findings P21 Exemplar School in Rochester, NY #P21Parents 22
What does 21st Century Learning look like beyond the classroom? Afterschool Programs like Boys & Girls Clubs teach web coding Summer camps teach citizenship skills Students share what they learn at home Parents connect class discussions to local events, elections, and more #P21Parents 23
VIF International Education VIF Builds global awareness and education programs with Global Competence Indicators Global Gateway project enhances what teachers already do in the classroom to engage, excite & enlighten students Kindergarteners explore what it means to be a good citizen Students create world comparison projects on citizenship using writing, audio, and video recording #P21Parents 24
Thank you to National PTA, our family engagement advisor!
Thank you to our project sponsors: 26
P21 Members Apple Inc.
P21 State Leadership Initiative Arizona California Illinois Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Nevada New Jersey North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 28
Join the P21 Community Just send your address by text message Text: P21 To: to get started #P21Parents 29
“We must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet” - Margaret Mead Thank You! Any Questions? 30