ADSHE QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY January 2013 Presentation to ADSHE Thames Valley Regional Meeting Janet Skinner
Overview Why is QA important? ADSHE REGISTER Self-audit tool Professional Peer Supervision
Why is QA important? To demonstrate that dyslexia specialists have a variety of effective ways of monitoring and quality assuring dyslexia support across HEIs Interested parties: students; funding bodies; institutions; Dyslexia Professional Body (ADSHE) QA is accountable, transparent and consistent with the clear aim of ensuring best practice across the sector
Launch of ADSHE QA Policy ADSHE Quality Assurance Policy Professional Standards An ADSHE Register of professionally qualified tutors who undertake regular CPD including supervision A list of ADSHE registered tutors available for freelance work
Applying to be on the Register Provide evidence of qualifications Agree to abide by ADSHE QA procedures (Code of Ethics, Quality Assurance Policy and Guidelines) Keep a log of CPD activities and provide evidence of this (self-audit tool; professional peer supervision) if/when required Provide evidence of recent specialist 1:1 tutorial experience
CPD Reflection on practice e.g. self-audit toolSupervision (e.g.PPS)Updating skillsAttendance at conferences/training daysResearch into relevant topics Critical reading e.g. review chapter in book, newsletter contribution; current research; presentation Other
Self-audit tool A tool for self- reflection on your own professional practice Questions are designed to trigger reflection No right or wrong ‘answers’ Note action you need to take Can be used individually or in groups
What is PPS? A way of using reflective practice and shared experiences Part of continuing professional development (CPD) It can provide opportunities for reflection/ developing expertise Gaining professional support Identifying concerns/issues to enable practitioners to strive for best practice
Benefits of PPS Mutual support Share common experiences Solve complex tasks Learn new techniques/strategies Increase insight 9
Structure of PPS Group or 1:1? 1 supervisor; 1 supervisee 1 supervisor; 4-6 supervisees Team – colleagues working together 10
Good questions to ask yourself before embarking on PPS: What is the agreed purpose? What can you bring to the PPS role? How might you go about preparing yourself? How often do you meet and where? 11
ABC Model A wareness of issue B eliefs about issue C onsequences – emotional and behavioural. It will then be possible to work through: D isputing beliefs related to the issue and then try to plan E ffective response to issue
CLEAR Model Contract: Agreeing basic ground rules and roles; establishing outcomes. Listen: Active listening by supervisor to understand supervisee and work. Explore: Working together to create different responses to issues through questioning, reflection and offering fresh insight and awareness. Action: After exploring different options, the supervisee chooses a way forward and agrees the first steps. ‘Fast- forward rehearsal’ Review: Review the actions. Feedback about the supervision process. Planned future action. Hawkins and Smith (2006)
Action learning Small groups of professionals Different roles in supervision session: presenter; responder; observer/s Presenter describes a particular work-based issue Responder asks open-ended, catalytic, constructive questions to challenge perceptions/assumptions Share knowledge only if invitedPresenter decides on actionGroup role = support and enablingEach member responsible for own learning
References and further information Action Learning Associates A. L., [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 nd March 2012] McGill I, Brockbank A: The Action Learning Handbook. Oxon, Routledge (2004) ABCDE Model (Centre for Coaching, 2010) management/abcde-challenge-your-irrational-thinking/ Bernard J, Goodyear R: Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, (1992) cited in Psychiatric Services Online by Robert Walker 1999 Hawkins P, Shohet R: Supervision in the Helping Professions. Berkshire, McGraw Hill Education 3 rd edition (2011) Rogers, J: Coaching Skills: A Handbook. Berkshire, Open University Press 3 rd edition (2012)
Any questions?