Seigneuries of New France By Robert Weston
A Seigneur and his Seigneury Seigneur (Lord of the land) Land was given by government Lord attracted settlers to live on his LAND If successful he made money paid by the dues of his farmers
Did the system work? Settlers found a way to obtain land of their own Lords found a way to make a good living
Seigneury Foundation The land was called the “Domaine” Bordered a river (mainly St. Lawrence or the Richelieu) Stretched inland from the river The seigneuries varied in size usually 3 arpents wide by 30 arpents in length ( 175 meters by 1755 meters) Once all the land was occupied, the Seigneur opened up a new Rang (Range) Montées were roads that connected the Rangs Odd shapes of land were called abouts
How the system worked Government issued land to a man who then became the Lord The Lord (Seigneur) then attracted settlers to come and farm on his land so that he may make his living running the land Seigneur owned a piece of the land and called it the ¨Domaine¨ Seigneur built a manor for him and his own family Seigneur built a grist mill to grind farmers` grain, this would be also known as a windmill
A Seigneury`s Community The community of the Seigneury consisted of a Manor for the Lord and his family It had many farm houses It has a church and houses for the priests The church was the place to go for activities and meetings
A look at the Seigneury layout This is what a seigneury layout would look like
History of the Seigneury The first seigneuries were granted in By 1633 there were 53 seigneuries British took over the colony in 1760, now there was 250 seigneuries The system was abolished in 1854, ending the system for good
Seigneur Rights & Duties Seigneur agreed to.. for the government & church Be faithful to the king Keep an account of the seigneury Bring in settlers and clear the land Pay a tax if he sold the seigneury Build a church and pay church taxes To his farmers (censitaires) Grand land and have roads built Build a mill for grinding grain and hold a court for disputes
Church Duties & Rights The church agreed to the following in return for the Lord`s service A special pew (seat) at the front To be served first at church To be buried inside the church The church also gained respect on May Day (May 1 st ) from its people From the farmers they received.. Annual rent and taxes, (corv ée) 3-4 days free labour Grazing fee, 1/14 of the wheat, 1/11 of fish caught 1/12 of the value of land if sold, the right to reposes
Censitaires Rights And Duties The Censitaries (farmers) also had rights and responsibilities Agreed to clear his lot and grow crops To grind his grain at the Lords mill Maintain the road by his lot in good condition Pay church taxes and homage to the Lord Give the Lord the first chance to buy the land if sold The Censitaire also enjoyed his rights Granted land, use of the mill, use of the common pasture Protection by the Lord, keep profits, sell his land whenever or leave it to his family
Censitaires paying their dues This is how the Censitaires would have paid their dues