Pleonastic? 1. The “pleonastic IT” (the double subject) Double what?
1.1. Es necesario el acuerdo del Presidente
IT is necessary the President’s agreement
1.1. Es necesario el acuerdo del Presidente IT is necessary the President’s agreement
Es importante la decisión del Consejo tomada la semana pasada en la nueva sede de la Empresa recien construida en un barrio periférico de Londres.
It is important the decision of the Board of Directors taken last week in the new headquarters of the Company recently built in the outskirts of London
The decision of the Board of Directors taken last week in the new headquarters of the Company recently built in the outskirts of London is important
When is a double subject correct and possible? I’ve no idea
It is important to agree on the decision of the Board that we SHOULD agree on the decision WHERE/WHEN the meeting is to be held WHO will chair the meeting WHAT will be discussed HOW/WHY/WHICH/ etc. ALL THESE CASES ARE CORRECT (and common)
It is important the decision of the Board of Directors taken last week in the new headquarters of the Company recently built in the outskirts of London
to take into account/...that we should take into account
2. Llegó ayer el documento que tanto tiempo llevábamos esperando
2. Arrived yesterday the document we had been waiting for for so long
2. IT Arrived yesterday the document we had been awaiting for so long
2. The document we had been awaiting for so long arrived yesterday
2. IT Arrived yesterday the document we had been awaiting for so long
2. THERE Arrived yesterday the document we had been awaiting for so long
2. Yesterday arrived the document we had been awaiting for so long
NORMAL SYNTACTIC ORDER Subject + Verb + Dir. Object + Circumstantial Comp. NOT : Verb + Subject +Dir. Object + Circumstantial Comp.
NORMAL SYNTACTIC ORDER Subject + Verb + Dir. Object + Circumstantial Comp. OR : THERE +Verb + Subject +Dir. Object + Circumstantial Comp. OR : Adverb of time +Verb + Subject +Dir. Object + Circumstantial Comp.
2. THERE Arrived yesterday the document we had been awaiting for so long 2. Yesterday arrived the document we had been awaiting for so long
COMPARE A red car came around the corner There came around the corner a red car A car skidded violently around the corner There skidded violently around the corner a red car
COMPARE A red car came around the corner There came around the corner a red car A car skidded violently around the corner There skidded violently around the corner a red car