Specialized Digestive Systems
What are they? Animals with specialized digestive tracts are still non-ruminant animals but they have unique organs that allow them to efficiently process the food they consume
Hindgut Fermenters Non-ruminant herbivores that have a functioning cecum that allows them to eat large amounts of roughage –Horses –Rhinos –Elephants –Rabbits –Guinea Pigs
Bird Systems Beak –Mouth which pecks and scoops feed Salivary Glands –Add digestive enzymes and lubricate feed Esophagus –Connects beak to the crop Crop –Storage pouch that moistens feed
Bird Systems Proventriculus –Glandular stomach that adds gastric juices and mixes and churns feed Gizzard –Purplish colored organ that contains grit to grind feed during muscle contractions Small Intestine –Digests and absorbs nutrients
Bird Systems Large Intestine –Absorbs water Ceca –2 blind pouches that do not function at the end of the large intestine Cloaca –Internal sphincter that controls excretion Vent –External sphincter that controls excretion
Bird Systems Beak Salivary Glands Esophagus Crop Pancreas Liver Gall Bladder Proventriculus Gizzard Small Intestine Large Intestine Ceca Cloaca Vent
Bird Systems
Mouth which pecks and scoops feed
Bird Systems
Glandular stomach that adds gastric juices and mixes and churns feed
Bird Systems
Absorbs water
Bird Systems
Add digestive enzymes and lubricate feed
Bird Systems
Purplish colored organ that contains grit to grind feed during muscle contractions
Bird Systems
2 blind pouches that do not function at the end of the large intestine
Bird Systems
Connects beak to the crop
Bird Systems
Digests and absorbs nutrients
Bird Systems
Internal sphincter that controls excretion
Bird Systems
Storage pouch that moistens feed
Bird Systems
External sphincter that controls excretion
Bird Systems