Animals 4-1 Bird- endothermic, vertebrate, that has feathers, a four-chambered heart, lays eggs, and has scales on their legs and feet. Notes Birds bodies are adapted for flight in 4 ways 1 forelimbs form wings 2 bones are nearly hollow (light weight) 3 large chest muscles to move the wings 4 feathers IF IT HAS FEATHERS IT’S A BIRD
Animals 4-1 Contour feathers –large feathers that give shape to a bird’s body. Longer contour feathers that extend past the body on the tails and wings are called flight feathers Down feathers- short fluffy feathers that are specialized to trap heat and keep the bird warm
Animals 4-1 Insulator- a material that does not conduct heat well and therefore helps keep it from escaping Crop- internal organ used for storage of food, connected to the stomach Gizzard- muscular part of the stomach often contains small pebbles to help grind down partially digested food
Animals 4-3 Mammals (YOU) Endothermic, vertebrates, 4 chambered heart, skin “covered” with fur or hair, produce milk to feed young, have teeth of different shape MOST give birth to live young Fur and hair- some mammals have only a few strands some have 150,000 hairs per sq cm. Hair/fur along with fat help mammals regulate heat Teeth-mammals need lots of energy specialized teeth are adapted to chew food
Animals 4-3 Types of teeth Incisors- flat-edged teeth used to bite off and cut parts of food Canines- sharply pointed teeth that stab food and tear into it Premolars and molars- grind and shred food Breathing and Blood Diaphragm- large muscle located at the bottom of the chest aids in breathing Heart basically the same 4 chambered 2 loop system found in birds
Animals 4-3 Highly developed brains that can learn well developed senses Many complex movement most varied Reproduction and caring for young Almost all give birth to live young who feed on milk produced by the mother Mammary gland – produces milk for young mammals the term mammal comes from mammary
Animals 4-4 Mammal Groups Monotremes Marsupials Placental Monotremes- mammals that lay eggs ex. duck billed platypus, spiny anteater Marsupials- young are born alive, at an early stage move to a pouch on the mother for more development Gestation Period- time between fertilization and birth
Animals 4-4 Placental Animals- young develop inside its mother until its body systems can function independently Placenta- an organ in a pregnant female mammal that passes materials between the mother and embryo. Food/oxygen in and waste out. Connected by umbilical cord Placental mammals grouped on how they move, eat, where they live