ADVERBIAL CLAUSES(Zarf Fiiller) Tony watched TV when the telephone rang. MAIN CLAUSE(Temel Cümle) ADVERBIAL CLAUSE(Yan Cümle) When the telephone rang, Tony watched TV.
VOCABULARY When:Olduğu zaman When the telephone rang,I left home.
When the doorbell rang,Nancy cooked meal.
When the accident happened, children were at the playground.
When the electricity went off, she was at home. VOCABULARY: (to)Go off-V1-Kesilmek Went off-V2 Gone off-V3
When the weather was cold,people were at home.
His mother called him when he studied. VOCABULARY:(to)Call-V1-ÇağırmakCalled-V2Called-V3
DRILLS 1)When I……..(be) at home, the doorbell…….(ring). 2)When Elizabeth …………(dance), she………(break) her leg. 3)When my mother …………(cook),my father ……….(call) her. 4)My father …...(call)me when I …….(be) out. 5When I ……(go )to park,I….... (see) a lot of people.