1 Project Title Name Date of presentation EEE-5425 Introduction to nanotechnology Spring 2013
2 General outline 1.Introduction 2.Physical principles 3.Materials consideration 4.Manufacturing process 5.Examples of devices 6.Device characteristics 7.Device market 8.Device prospective 9.Conclusions
3 Requirements Text size 24 pt. (text size < 16 pt is not acceptable) Image resolution 72 dpi. Presentation time: 60 min + 10 min discussion. Number of slides should be determined based on approximate rule: 1 slide per 1 min. All literature or internet sources used in the presentation must be referenced. No dress code, but respect the audience. Attendance of all project presentations is mandatory. Questions and discussions are encouraged at presentations
4 Final project presentations Presentation format: Each presenter will have a maximum of 60 minutes to present the talk. This should be organized to allow at least 10 extra minutes for questions after the presentation itself is finished. The projecting computer system will be operational with PowerPoint, CD ROM, USB connector for flash drive. There is a promise that the network connection will be fully operational for the computer but I can't guarantee that it will happen so you may be disappointed if you rely on displaying material from the web. The schedule of presentations will be announced.
5 Examples of illustrations GoodBad
6 Illustrations GoodBad Flat grind Diameter grind Preparing crystal ingot for grinding
7 Illustrations Bad
8 Report – 1 The purpose of the report is to convey history of the problem, background information, current state-of-the-art, technical and scientific issues and problems, justification of approaches used, prospective. Report should address technical, scientific, environmental, safety, social, economic, ethics issues of the topic. The report should not contain superfluous information or "filler". Although students have some freedom in the overall design and presentation of the final report, it must follow the general format of a formal report. Paper report should be formatted using IEEE style for publications (
9 Report – 2 Abstract Introduction Report main portion with subtitles Conclusions Acknowledgments References Brief author information Paper report should contain:
Paper report template 10
11 Report – 3 Project title Student team name Student team member names and their Panther ID Course No. and title Semester, year Date submitted Paper report should include:
12 Report – 4 The abstract (no more that 200 words) provides a snapshot of the report – from the context (why and for what purpose it was written) to discussion of the findings, and conclusion. The abstract should be written after the report is completed. The abstract can be understood by itself. Abstract
13 Report – 5 Clear references have to be provided wherever information from other sources is used. For reference format styles see provided IEEE template. Text and Format References Use template provided. Paper report should be formatted using IEEE style for publications ( Book: [1]J. K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of His Published Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, Country if not USA: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx–xxx. Paper: [2]J. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev. Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year.
14 Report – 6 Issues to be checked in the final report Organization The document is organized to support the needs of the reader, providing straightforward access to needed information The reader can find the main ideas and the structure of the document quickly and easily. Appropriate organizing principles (e.g. chronological, spatial, etc.) are used and guide the reader through the material The level of detail is balanced and appropriate to the needs of the audience; material is not repeated unnecessarily. Format A consistent format is used throughout the document for fonts, margins, paragraph styles, and other visual elements. The system of headings for sections and subsections clearly shows the document structure and is used consistently. Figures and tables are visually separated from the body of the text; they are numbered consecutively, have informative captions, and are correctly referenced in the text.
15 Report – 7 Issues to be checked in the final report Abstract The abstract is no more than 200 words. It summarizes the report contents. It provides the information that a reader would need to determine whether or not to read the complete report. Editing Sentences are clear and readable with no awkward usage, wordiness, spelling errors, or grammatical errors. Word choice accurately and precisely conveys the intended meaning. Each paragraph has a clear purpose and structure and is organized around a single topic with relevant supporting information. Transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections effectively guide the reader through the document. Bulleted and enumerated lists are used sparingly and appropriately; they emphasize important information and its structure.
16 Report – 8 Issues to be checked in the final report Visuals Visuals, charts, and illustrations complement and support the text; they convey information clearly without being cluttered or overloaded. Charts and illustrations have good contrast and production quality; photographs are focused and well lit. Plots and graphs are clearly labeled (with axis titles and units). All text is readable. Graphics (drawings, charts, schematics, etc.) have a consistent style and format; a consistent font is used throughout. References for sources Key concepts or ideas are attributed to their sources. All non-original material (both text and visuals) is referenced. Short quotes are indicated with quotation marks. Long quotes are formatted as indented paragraphs. References are formatted using the IEEE style.