Open your Heart to Grow THE RIGHT ATTITUDE
John 13:34 “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other”. I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP
OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP How does your heart Look like... For Camp?
OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Beat up. Fun… I am not sure.. Who cares what I can Learn!
OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Fire up, Ready to learn, And Ready to have fun!
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Fear of the Unknown – ‘Only fools rush in. Who knows what lies ahead?’ Or ‘Let’s hear out your idea.‘
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Fear of consequences – ‘What if it all goes wrong? What happens then?’ What are the risks and issues
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Fear of waste – ‘If things don’t work out, I’ll have wasted all that time and effort that I could have spent on something else.’ If things don’t work out, I’ll have learnt something valuable.‘.’
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Lack of confidence in my own ability – ‘Can I really achieve what I set out to do?’ ‘What does the situation remind me of? What did I do to make it work the last time around?‘
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Fear of ridicule – ‘This might make me look like a right fool in front of others.’ …… He/She who dares grows.‘
OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Attitude is a little thing that Makes a big difference…
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP 1 1 Think Once! Don’t BLAME others learn from your mistakes
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Philippians 2: Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP A major part of your life concerns your attitudes toward yourself and others and how you feel as a result of those attitudes.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP When things go bad, you can try to appreciate the blessings you have and what is good about your life. Have fun. It is not all that bad.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP 2 2 Do not Judge … Is a waste of time.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Matthew 7:1 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Jesus tells us plainly that if we judge others, we too will be judged. We are to leave judgment up to God alone.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP 3 3 Work Hard! Aim for Quality Persist, Persevere always! The attitudes you have will follow you wherever you go
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Those who persevere and stand firm through trials and suffering are particularly blessed, and will be rewarded by God for their faithfulness under pressure with a crown of life.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Philippians 1:6 “Molded by God”
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Philippians 1:6 So God has to sand off—or perhaps grind off if the edges are really rough—so we will eventually “fit” into the design He has planned for us. That’s a wonderful thing not a scary thing.
I– OPEN YOUR HEART TO GROW – YOUTH CAMP Philippians 1:6 So God has to sand off—or perhaps grind off if the edges are really rough—so we will eventually “fit” into the design He has planned for us. That’s a wonderful thing not a scary thing.