Accent Rules in Spanish
How are words pronounced in Spanish? There are 2 rules: 1) When a word ends in a vowel, n or s the verbal stress is placed on the second to last syllable. So when you say the word you hear the second to last syllable. Example: trabajo / nosotros / hablan 2) When a word ends in a consonant (other than n/s) you stress the last syllable. Example: trabajar / azul
So what is an accent mark used for? It’s simple! An accent mark rule is used to say “break the rule!” Ex: examen – rule #1 examenes – following rule #1 we are completely changing the way this word is pronounced.So what happens? An accent mark is added so you break the rule and say it the right way! exámenes
Rule 1: vowel, n,s – second to last syllable. Rule 2: consonant- last syllable joven jóvenes autobús autobuses (no longer needed) lápiz lápices rule doesn’t work either time Estoy comprando la blusa. Estoy comprándola.
Rule 1: vowel, n,s – second to last syllable. Rule 2: consonant- last syllable So what does this mean for pronouns? Tengo que comprar la blusa para mi madre. Tengo que comprarla para mi madre. (rule switches…no problem) Tengo que comprársela. Whenever you add two syllables to an infinitive the vowel of the infinitive is always accented.
Rule 1: vowel, n,s – second to last syllable. Rule 2: consonant- last syllable So what does this mean for commands? ¡Haz la tarea! ¡Hazla! ¡Come la pizza! ¡Cómela!