Los adjetivos y pronombres demonstrativos Español 2
Demonstrative Adjectives NEAR (this, these) MasculineFeminine Singularesteesta Pluralestosestas
Farther away (that, those) MasculineFeminine Singulareseesa Pluralesosesas
Great distance (that, those – over there) MasculineFeminine Singularaquelaquella Pluralaquellosaquellas
Ejemplos Leí este libro.I read this book. Leí ese libro.I read that book. Leí aquel libro.I read that book (over there). MUST AGREE IN GENDER AND NUMBER!!
Demonstrative Pronouns Pronouns take the place of nouns. Use the same gender and number as the nouns that are replaced. Accent marks are a must! Put the accent mark on the first “e” of the demonstrative adjective to make a demonstrative pronoun.
Ejemplos Compré esa camisa. – DA I bought that shirt. Compré ésa. – DP I bought that one.
Aquella reportera es famosa. – DA That reporter is famous. Aquélla es famosa. – DP That one is famous.
¡10 frases completas! Ejemplo: El papel Este papel es amarillo. -o- Ese papel es amarillo. -o- Aquel papel es amarillo.