Enjoying God’s Word
Question 1: What book do we first see the name ‘Hezekiah?’ A. Genesis B. Isaiah C. 2 Kings
Question 2: What is the shortest verse in the Old Testament? A. 1 Chronicles 1:25 B. Ezekiel 4:16 C. Deuteronomy 24:11
Question 3: What is the longest verse in the Bible? A. Acts 7:13 B. Ezekiel 4:16 C. Esther 8:9
Question 4: What is the most commonly used name in the Bible? A. Mary B. Simon C. David
Question 5: Judah is described as a ‘lion.’ Which brother is described as a ‘donkey?’ A. Dan B. Issachar C. Naphtali
Question 6: Who are the sons of Joseph? A. Ephraim and Manasseh B. Jacob and Esau C. Hophne and Phineas
Question 7: What was Eleazar, son of Dodai, known for? A. Going into a pit to kill a lion B. Fighting for so long that his sword froze to his hand C. Killing 300 Philistines
Question 8: Who was king of Judah when Jeremiah was written? A. Josiah B. Rehoboam C. Hezekiah
Question 9: Who is responsible for writing the majority of the New Testament? A. Paul B. Luke C. John
Question 10: What is the national symbol of Israel? A. Tree B. Eagle C. Cross
SUDDEN DEATH How many times in the Bible is God described as ‘invisible?’
Small Group Questions 1. When you hear about or read about the need to go deeper into your Bible study or reading, do you ever struggle with that a bit and wonder if it’s okay to turn to the Bible for relaxation, comfort reading, encouragement, enjoyment, worship, or any other motivations? 2. Do you delight in God’s word or does it feel like a grind and obligation to read it regularly? 3. Are you reading, enjoying, studying God’s word on a daily basis (or “How are your Quiet Times going?”) 4. What do you do when you are stagnant spiritually? Are your typical responses effective? 5. Why is it helpful to have the mindset that every time we go to God’s word it is an act of worship?