Mark Clatworthy Orthopaedic Surgeon Knee Specialist Knee Update Mark Clatworthy Orthopaedic Surgeon Knee Specialist
Overview How to diagnose a meniscal tear and ACL rupture What x rays of the knee should I take? Treatment options for early OA of the knee Knee Arthroplasty update
ACL Injury History taking key to diagnosis Acutely injured knees are painful and swollen making the examination difficult The diagnosis normally lies in the history
ACL Injury Mechanism of injury Normally a side stepping or pivoting manoeuver or an awkward landing Often a non contact injury The posterolateral knee subluxes Patient will feel a pop and the knee gave way
ACL Rupture Patient usually presents with a haemarthrosis Knee may fell unstable with any twisting activity Difficulty weightbearing due to bone bruising The knee subluxes posterolaterally thus this area is usually tender
ACL Rupture Patients often present with a fixed flexion deformity. Initially this is due to bone bruising. A bucket handle tear typically occurs only with multiple giving way episodes
Examination Findings Must examine both knees. Large variation laxity Fixed flexion deformity, reduced flexion
ACL Examination Lachmann - anterior translation tibia
ACL Examination Lachmann – Big leg, small hands
ACL Examination Anterior drawer decreased by posterior horn of the menisci – less positive than Lachmann
ACL Examination Pivot shift test- reproduces the sensation of giving way. Lateral compartment subluxes
Exclude PCL Injury Drop back seen with knee at 90° Compare with other side
PCL Examination Posterior drawer
Meniscal Tear Mechanism of Injury Typically a twisting injury on a loaded knee Often sudden pain Knee swells – variable time frame Mechanical symptoms – catching, locking
Examination Findings Effusion Springy block to extension if bucket handle Point joint line tenderness Pain on meniscal grinding Pain on loading and twisting the knee
Effusion Tense effusion is easily seen, Moderate effusion – patella tap Mild effusion - patella sweep
Meniscal Grind Test
Locked knee Physical block In young patient needs urgent meniscal repair Don’t send to physiotherapist Urgent referral to orthopaedic surgeon We will see the patient that week
What X Ray’s Should I take Weight bearing AP 45º weight bearing PA Lateral Skyline AP Pelvis if unsure about hip
Weight bearing X Rays Weight bearing X rays are critical
45° Weightbearing PA
Skyline patella
Treatment Options for Early OA Knee Non surgical treatment Arthroscopy High Tibial Osteotomy
Non Surgical Treatment Analgesics & Anti – inflammatories Glucosamine & Chondrotin Sulphate – variable response Intra-articular steroid – short term benefit – Cochrane 1 week Accelerates cartilage degeneration Viscosupplementation – controversial Knee Sleeve Exercise – low impact – exercycle If the knee is painful and swollen. Stop it Physiotherapy – maximize muscle strengthening Orthotics
Early OA and Arthroscopy Arthroscopic debridement and lavage has unpredictable results thus is not indicated If a symptomatic meniscal tear with pain and mechanical symptoms worthwhile however must caution the patient that the knee will not be normal due to OA
Proposed ACC Guidelines Clear history of injury Signs and symptoms of a meniscal tear Less than 50% joint loss on weight bearing X rays Full thickness chondral lesions on MRI excluded
High Tibial Osteotomy Indicated for younger patient with varus knee with medial compartment OA
High Tibial Osteotomy Two hour operation, 2-3 days in hospital Six weeks on crutches with a brace Three – six month recovery Knee better - not normal VAS pain 7.1 2.6 at 5 years Sydney study – 84% survival at 15 years 186 cases last 12 years – 4 converted to TKA
Total Knee Arthroplasty Perception in the community Only lasts 10 years Very painful operation and the knee will continue to be painful Doesn’t work that well. Knee will be stiff
TKA Survival National registries New Zealand 96% at 10 years Australia 92% at 8 years Swedish 95% at 10 years Norwegian 88% at 12 years Expert Designer Series 92% at 16 years 93% at 15 years 87% at 18 years > 60 years > 90% implant will last life time
Survival – Age at TKA
Activity level & Pain Younger patient more active thus higher failure rate TKA is designed for every day activity Walking, golf, tramping, groomed skiing, doubles tennis TKA is not designed for impact loading activities – running, jumping, dancing, singles tennis The knee will be painful, swollen, warm and stiff for up to 6 months. Must take pain medication TKJR will get rid of most but not necessarily all of the pain. VAS pain – 6.8 1.0 – 60% no pain
Improving Outcome Computer Guided TKA Enables the surgeon to: Ensure accurate alignment – enhancing implant survival Balance the ligaments to ensure good kinematics Customize the TKA to patients anatomy & ligamentous laxity Mobile Bearing TKA RCT showed better knee function Less wear in lab
NZ Joint Registry Oxford 6 months NZOA Conventional NZOA NAV Clatworthy NAV Score 37 38.3 40.3 Poor 12.4% 10.0% 0% Fair 16.3% 6.8% Good 35.4% 37.5% 30.3% Excellent 35.9% 40.1% 62.8%
Oxford Score Significance Statistically significant relationship between 6 month Oxford score and revision rate Every 1 unit decrease in Oxford score increases the revision rate at 2 years by 10.4% A patient with a score <20 has a 30 times the revision rate of a patient with a score > 36 ROC (Receiver operating characteristic) analysis demonstrates < 31 has an 8 times greater risk of revision than a score > 31
Oxford Score & Revision Rate Poor Fair Good Excellent
NZ Joint Registry Oxford 6 months NZOA Conventional NZOA NAV Clatworthy NAV Score 37 38.3 40.3 Poor 12.4% 10.0% 0% Fair 16.3% 6.8% Good 35.4% 37.5% 30.3% Excellent 35.9% 40.1% 62.8%
Range of Motion - Stiffness Pre-Operative Post-Operative Overall 110° 118° <90° +45° 90° - 125° +6° >125° -11°
Complications Infection - Hot, painful, swollen, stiff knee - Wound may be oozing - Patient will often report a sudden increase in pain and decrease in movement - If in doubt refer back to operative surgeon - Don’t start antibiotics unless you are sure it is a superficial stitch abscess DVT - Hot, tense painful calf - If in doubt refer for ultrasound
Websites Tonight’s talks available on website All my information sheets, pre and post op instructions, surgical videos and comprehensive information on knee conditions and treatment