Welcome to SuperFleet Manager “Taking your fleet fueling to the next level”
This is the User Registration Page. Complete this page to register your user name and password and begin using SuperFleet Manager. You will need to review the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement before your registration can take affect.
This is the Login Page. This is where you will always start your SuperFleet Manager session. Enter your user name, current password, and click the Login button. “Remember to bookmark this page so you can have the quickest access to taking control of your SuperFleet program.”
If you want to review your User Profile, just click on your name. Under the SuperFleet logo, you will find the navigation bar. Clicking on a tab will take you directly to that information for your account. [The navigation bar is available on every page and is your quickest way to move about the site.] At the bottom of the page you will find links to the online Help, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), our Privacy Statement, the Terms of Use for this site, How to Contact Us, and the Site Map. [These links are available on every page and are your quickest way to get answers to your questions about using SuperFleet Manager.] This is the SuperFleet Manager Welcome Page. From here you can quickly get to every thing you need to manage your SuperFleet program.
This is your User Profile Page. If you wish to change your password, just click the Change Password link. If you are an admin user, you will also see the User Management link which will allow you to manage the other users for your account. This is your User Profile Page. If your email address, mailing address, or phone numbers change, you can update that information here.
This is the Change Password page. If you want to change your password, you just need to enter your new password here. [You are asked to enter it twice to make sure you didn’t miss type it the first time.] Your password is good for 30 days. SuperFleet Manger will prompt you to change your password after you have logged in with an expired password.
If you create a new user, he will automatically be set up as a Regular User with read only access to all of your accounts data within SuperFleet Manager. SuperFleet Manager will send him a registration email which he will need to respond to in order to set up his user name and password. This is the User Management page. If you are an Admin user, you will have access to this page and be allowed to create new user, remove users, and change the roles assigned to each user. If you want to change the initial roles assigned to the new user, clicks on the View Roles link beside the Create New User Button. If you want to reset a user’s password, click on Edit. This will allow you to enter a new password for the user. Once the user logs in using this password, he will be asked to change it before he can proceed. If you want to review or change a user’s assigned roles, click view roles and you will be taken to the Roles page for that user. Then click the Submit button, the system will ask you to verify that you want to remove the selected user. If you respond OK, that user will no longer have access to SuperFleet Manager. Every account must have a Primary Admin User. There can be only one Primary Admin user per account. The user designated as the Primary Admin User can not be deleted. To change the assigned Primary Admin click on the box beside the user you want to set as the Primary Admin User. To remove a user, you check the delete box on the line with the user id to be removed.
Admin users can make changes to what other users can do Regular users can access the account information but can not change what they or other users can do This is the Roles page. If you are an Admin User you will have access to this page and can use it to control which SuperFleet Manager capabilities you extend to each user. The buttons to the right of each role controls whether the user can change data associated with that role or can only view it. The button to the left of each role controls whether or not this user can access this area of SuperFleet Manager.
This is the Accounts Page. The Download link will allow you to download all of the account information for your linked accounts into a spreadsheet. You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field. (example – to sort this data by number of cards click the Cards heading) The Print Friendly link will create a printer friendly image of the table listed on this page so that you may create a hard copy of this information. If you want to see the accounts information, click on the account number. If you want to go directly to the card information for an account, click on the number of cards link for the desired account. This is the Accounts Page. If you are managing linked accounts, you will have access to this page and it will allow you to select which account you want to work with. If you are not managing linked accounts, you will go directly to the Account Detail page for your assigned account when you click the Account tab.
This is the Account Detail page. In this section you will see the current setup information for this account. The Master Account field allows any Admin User for an account to let users on another SuperFleet account have access to the information for his account. When this field is “PROMPTED”, the hyperlink will take you to the Driver ID data for this account. This is the Account Detail page. It shows the information about the account. Primarily the data on this screen is for information purposes only and requires a SuperFleet Customer Service Rep to make any changes. These are two of the SuperFleet addresses set up for this account. The Plastic Address is where any requests for new or replacement credit cards will be sent. If you are an Admin user, you will be able to add or delete User Defined Fields. An Admin user can set up user defined fields as needed to allow you to capture data you want to associate with your account.
This is the Manage User Defined Fields page. These are the User Defined Fields which have been set up for this Data Group on this account. If you want to remove one of these fields, click the delete box and then the Delete button. You will be asked to verify that you wish to delete this field and all related data. If you okay this process, the field along with any data you have entered will be removed from the system. When you are finished using this page, click the Return to <Data Group Name> Detail link. This is the Manage User Defined Fields page. This is where Admin users can create new fields to be associated with each data group for their account. If you want to create a new field to be used with a Data Group on your account, type the name of the field in the box and click the Add New Field button. The new field will then be available on the detail page for that Data Group and you can begin capturing the desired information.
You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field. (example – to sort this data by vehicle id click the Vehicles heading) You can limit the cards displayed below by specifying search parameters. These parameters work on the “contains” principle and will return all entries in the corresponding field which contain the search string provided. If you click on the location you will be taken to the Location Detail page for that location. If you click on the vehicle you will be taken to the Vehicle Detail page for that vehicle. The Download link will allow you to download all of the card information for your account into a spreadsheet. If you click on the driver you will be taken to the Employee Detail page for that driver. If the driver is the word “PROMPTED”, you will be taken to the listing of all valid drivers for this account. If you click on the account # you will be taken to the Account Detail page for that account. This is the Cards page. This page lists all of the cards assigned to your account or all accounts you have master account access to. If you click on the card # you will be taken to the Card Detail page for that card. The Print Friendly link will create a printer friendly image of the table listed on this page so that you may create a hard copy of this information.
This is the Card Detail page. This is the card information maintained by SSA and is displayed here for informational purposes only. The Pump Fill Limit field sets a value that is returned to the Point of Sale device limiting the dollar limit for a single fill-up. Each POS has its own restrictions on this limit and not all POS’s honor this setting. The Dollars of Fuel Per Day field sets a threshold for denying transactions. Once this card has purchased this many dollars of fuel or more in a single 24 hour period (midnight to midnight), future transactions will be denied. The Days of the Week fields designate on which days this card can be used. YES allows the card to be used. NO denies the usage of this card on this day of the week. This is the Card Detail page. It show all of the information applicable to a single card on your account. The Work Day Start and End Time fields controls the hours during the day when this card can be used. If both fields are blank or zero, the card can be used at all hours of the day. The Gallons Per Day field sets a threshold for denying transactions. Once this card has purchased this many gallons or more in a single 24 hour period (midnight to midnight), future transactions will be denied. The Odometer Variance is used in conjunction with Odometer Prompting. If this value is non-zero and the odometer reading entered for the current transaction exceeds the previously entered odometer reading by more than this amount, the current transactions is denied. The second time the odometer reading is entered, this value is ignored and the transaction is allowed to proceed. The Dollars of Non-fuel Per Day field sets a threshold for denying transactions. Once this card has purchased this many dollars of non-fuel or more in a single 24 hour period (midnight to midnight), future transactions will be denied. [If this card is not allowed to purchase non-fuel items, this setting does nothing.] The Transactions Per Day field indicates how many times this card can be used in a 24 period (midnight to midnight). An Admin user can set up user defined fields as needed to allow you to capture data you want to associate with your cards. If you are an Admin user, you will be able to add or delete User Defined Fields.
This is the Employees page. You can limit the employees displayed below by specifying search parameters. These parameters work on the “contains” principle and will return all entries in the corresponding field which contain the search string provided. You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field. (example – to sort this data by user id click the User ID heading) Click on the Drivers link to see all of the driver ids assigned to this account Click on the Add Employee link if you want to create a new Employee Detail record. This is the Employees page. It lists all employees assigned to this account or all linked accounts if you have master account permissions. The Download link will allow you to download all of the employee information for your account into a spreadsheet. Click on the employee id to go to the Employee Detail page for this employee. The Print Friendly link will create a printer friendly image of the table listed on this page so that you may create a hard copy of this information.
This is the Employee Detail page. The employee’s status field can only be maintained by an admin user. An employee can be either active or inactive. If an employee is marked as inactive, his user and driver id are no longer valid. The employee’s email address fields will contain the value entered at registration if this employee was set up as a SuperFleet Manager user. This is the same field that appear on the user’s profile page. You can populate this field with any value you choose. This is your own unique identifier for each employee. This is the Employee Detail page. The information here is about a single employee and as applicable shows the SuperFleet Manager User ID and SuperFleet Driver ID for this employee. The employee’s name fields will contain the values entered at registration if this employee was set up as a SuperFleet Manager user. These are the same fields that appear on the user’s profile page. The employee’s phone and fax number fields are the same fields that appear on the user’s profile page. The user id field will contain the value entered at registration if this employee was set up as a SuperFleet Manager user. If an employee has been assigned to a card, vehicle, and/or location, you can use the drop down box to select the appropriate values here. The drive id and name fields are used in conjunction with driver prompting. [Please refer to the Driver Page for more details about these fields.] If this field is blank, you can create a new driver id by filling it in. If it has value, you can remove a driver id by blanking this field. If you are an Admin user, you will be able to add or delete User Defined Fields. An Admin user can set up user defined fields as needed to allow you to capture data you want to associate with your employees.
This is the Drivers page. You can limit the drivers displayed below by specifying search parameters. These parameters work on the “contains” principle and will return all entries in the corresponding field which contain the search string provided. If you want to add a new driver id to the list of valid drivers, click the Add Driver link. You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field. (example – to sort this data by driver name click the Driver Name heading) Driver Name is a free form field which is used to provide a name as well as a driver id when reporting transactions which prompted for a driver id. Driver ID’s are numeric fields no longer than 10 digits. This value is input on a keypad in the store or at the pump whenever a card on this account is set up for driver id prompting. If the account is also set up for driver id validation, the value entered is compared to all of the values listed here for the account. If the entered value does not match one of these values, the transaction will be denied. This is the Drivers page. This page shows all of the driver ids which have been created for this account. The driver id is used in conjunction with driver prompting. Only Admin Users can update data on this page. If you wish to remove a driver id from the list of valid drivers, check the delete box and press the Submit button. You will be asked to verify the delete before the driver id is removed from the list.
The Print Friendly link will create a printer friendly image of the table listed on this page so that you may create a hard copy of this information. The Download link will allow you to download all of the information for your linked accounts into a spreadsheet. An empty row will be created at the bottom of the list where you can input the driver id and name for the new driver.
This is the Vehicles page. It lists all of the vehicles you have set up for this account. You can limit the vehicles displayed below by specifying search parameters. These parameters work on the “contains” principle and will return all entries in the corresponding field which contain the search string provided. You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field. (example – to sort this data by year click the Year heading) If you want to add a new vehicle to your account, click the Add Vehicle link. The Download link will allow you to download all of the information for your linked accounts into a spreadsheet. The Print Friendly link will create a printer friendly image of the table listed on this page so that you may create a hard copy of this information. If you click on the account # you will be taken to the Account Detail page for that account. If you click on the card # you will be taken to the Card Detail page for that card. If you click on the location you will be taken to the Location Detail page for that location. If you click on the vehicle id you will be taken to the Vehicle Detail page for that vehicle.
This is the Vehicle Detail page. This is a unique identifier you set up for each vehicle on your account. If you are prompting for vehicle, this should be a numeric value so that it can be entered on the keypad at the store or pump. This is the Vehicle Detail page. It contains information about the vehicle you set up for your account. If this vehicle has been assigned to a card and/or location, you can use the drop down box to select the appropriate values here. You can enter whatever you like in the Vehicle Description, VIN, Year, Make, Model, License Plate, Registration State, Registration Date, and Registration Expiration Date. These fields are not used in the SuperFleet Program but are captured to help you in managing your fleet. If you are an Admin user, you will be able to add or delete User Defined Fields. An Admin user can set up user defined fields as needed to allow you to capture data you want to associate with your vehicles.
This is the Locations page. This page lists all the locations you have set up for your account. You can sort the search results by clicking on any heading field. (example – to sort this data by zip code click the Zip heading) You can limit the locations displayed below by specifying search parameters. These parameters work on the “contains” principle and will return all entries in the corresponding field which contain the search string provided. If you want to add a new location to your account, click the Add Location link. The Download link will allow you to download all of the information for your linked accounts into a spreadsheet. If you click on the account # you will be taken to the Account Detail page for that account. If you click on the location id you will be taken to the Location Detail page for that location. The Print Friendly link will create a printer friendly image of the table listed on this page so that you may create a hard copy of this information.
This is the Location Detail page. This is a unique identifier you set up for each location on your account. If you are prompting for location (dept, charge to), this should be a numeric value so that it can be entered on the keypad at the store or pump. This is the Location Detail page. It contains information about the location you set up for your account. If want to associate an employee as the primary contact person for this location, you can use the drop down box to select the appropriate value here. [The employee must already have been set up and assigned an employee id.] You can enter whatever you like in the Location Name, County, Address, City, State, and Zip fields. These fields are not used in the SuperFleet Program but are captured to help you in managing your fleet. If you are an Admin user, you will be able to add or delete User Defined Fields. An Admin user can set up user defined fields as needed to allow you to capture data you want to associate with your vehicles.
This is the Reports page. Transaction Data is a record of activity that has occurred at the point of sale (POS) (store or pump). [Data may be delayed up to 45 minutes before it is available to be viewed here.] This data includes the date, time, card number, POS location, amount, and if prompted for, the driver id, vehicle id, location, and/or odometer. This data will also show a breakdown of up to 10 product codes for the sale. This is the Reports page. This is where you can download the transaction or event log data. Event Log is a record of all activity that has occurred to the data in your account in SuperFleet Manager. This data includes the date, time, user id, data group, key fields, field name and both a before and after image of the information changed. This includes additions and deletions.
This is the Request New Card page. If you are a Master Account User, you must select the account you want to create the card for. If you are not a Master Account User, this will show your account only. If the account is set up to prompt for driver id, this field will say “PROMPTED” and you won’t be able to enter a value here. If cards on your account are assigned to a driver, enter the assigned driver name here. If you haven’t already done so and you want to track your employees via SuperFleet Manager, please add this driver employee. This is the Request New Card page. You use this page to provide the information needed to set up a new card for your account. If the account is set up to prompt for vehicle id, this field will say “PROMPTED” and you won’t be able to enter a value here. If cards on your account are assigned to a vehicle, enter the assigned Vehicle ID here. If you haven’t already done so and you want to track your vehicles via SuperFleet Manager, please add this vehicle. If the account is set up to prompt for location, this field will say “PROMPTED” and you won’t be able to enter a value here. If cards on your account are assigned to a location, enter the assigned Location ID here. If you haven’t already done so and you want to track your locations via SuperFleet Manager, please add this location. Enter a description here describing what product restrictions you wish applied to this card. (Examples – Unleaded Regular Only, Fuel and Oil, No ICR, etc.) Enter a description here describing what prompting you want used whenever this card is used. (Examples – Driver, Vehicle, Location – Driver, Odometer – Trailer, Hub, Charge To ) This is the address where your new card will be mailed. This is set up for each account by the SuperFleet Customer Service Reps and for security reasons, we require you contact them if you need this address changed. If you have any special instructions you would like to communicate to SSA about this card, you can enter that information here. (Example – Please call Joe at (xxx) xxx-xxxx to discuss product restriction options before issuing this card.) This section is used to define what Enhanced Fleet Restrictions you wish applied to this card. (Please refer to the Card Detail presentation page for detail information on each of these fields.) When you have completed filling out all the information on this page, click the SUBMIT button and your request for a new card will be processed.
This section shows all new cards requested over the last 14 days This section shows all new cards requested over the last 14 days. If you can not remember whether or not you had previously requested a particular new card, you can review this section prior to completing the information above.
This is the Update All Cards page. If you are a Master Account User, you must select the account you want to create the card for. If you are not a Master Account User, this will show your account only. This is the Update All Cards page. You use this page to make a mass change to the Enhanced Fleet Restrictions for ALL of the cards assigned to your account. This section is used to define what Enhanced Fleet Restrictions you wish applied to this card. (Please refer to the Card Detail presentation page for detail information on each of these fields.) When you have completed filling out all the information on this page, click the SUBMIT button. The system will verify that you really want to change ALL of your cards and if you say okay, ALL of the cards assigned to your account will be changed to these Enhanced Fleet Restriction settings.
This is the Cancel Card page. If you wish a replacement for this card, check this box and complete the rest of the form. If you don’t wish a replacement skip the next three sections and press the CONFIRM button. This is the information about the card you have selected to cancel. Please make sure that this is the correct card. This is the Cancel Card page. You use this page to cancel a card on your account. If your card was lost or stolen, please use the Report Lost or Stolen page. If you wish to continue to use this card until you receive a replacement card, please use the Replace Card page. Once you press the CONFIRM button and verify the cancellation, you will no longer be able to use this card. The information in the Replacement Card, Restrictions, and Cards will be mailed to sections are the same as for Request New Card. Please refer to the Request New Card for details about completing these sections.
When you have completed filling out all the information on this page, click the CONFIRM button and your request to cancel this card will be processed.
This is the Replace Lost or Stolen Card page. Please select whether you are reporting a lost or stolen card. The information in the Replacement Card, Restrictions, and Cards will be mailed to sections are the same as for Request New Card. Please refer to the Request New Card for details about completing these sections. This is the Replace Lost or Stolen Card page. You use this page to report a card on your account as either lost or stolen. This is the information about the card you have selected to report as lost or stolen. Please make sure that this is the correct card. If you are aware of or suspect that there has been fraudulent activity on this card, please provide us with the details here including someone we can contact if we need more information. If you wish a replacement for this card, check this box and complete the rest of the form. If you don’t wish a replacement skip the next three sections and press the CONFIRM button.
When you have completed filling out all the information on this page, click the CONFIRM button and your request to report this card as lost or stolen will be processed. The system will cancel this card and it will no longer be usable.
This is the Replace Card page. The information in the Replacement Card, Restrictions, and Cards will be mailed to sections are the same as for Request New Card. Please refer to the Request New Card for details about completing these sections. This is the Replace Card page. You use this page to request a replacement for a card that you want to continue to use until the new card arrives. This is the information about the card you have selected to report as lost or stolen. Please make sure that this is the correct card.
When you have completed filling out all the information on this page, click the CONFIRM button and your request to replace this card will be processed. The current card will continue to be usable for 60 days.