Master Programme in Space Engineering 300 ECTS = 5 year Luleå 2,5 year + Kiruna 2 year + Master thesis project 1/2 år Courses of ECTS = 5 weeks (some 15 ECTS)
Basic and Core courses (compulsory) 195 ECTS = 26 courses = 3 year + 10 weeks : Mathematics5 courses Physics 9 courses Electronics/Technique2 courses Statistics1 course Numerical methods1 course Chemistry1 course Programming1 course Economy1 course Space courses: Introduction to Space Technology with projects Spacecraft-Environment Interaction Atmospheric physics Spacecraft Orbital Dynamics Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics Space Vehicle Dynamics
Directions: Space Vehicles och Instrumentation 75 ECTS (Kiruna) Space and Atmospheric Physics 75 ECTS (Kiruna) Flight Technology 52,5 ECTS (Luleå)
Space Vehicles och Instrumentation 75 ECTS (Kiruna) 9 courses: Waves and Antennas Telecommunication Technique Electronics (Luleå) Electronic construction with VHDL Space Electronics Space Instruments Space Technology Projects Remote Sensing and 1 course at free choice: Space Plasma Physics – Optic and Radar Based Observational Technique – Solar Physics – Solar System Physics – Image Treatment with Space Applications – Space Flight Attitude Dynamics – Electronics II –Mechatronics
Space and Atmospheric Physics 75 ECTS (Kiruna) 5 courses: Astrophysics and Cosmology (Luleå) Waves and Antennas Space Instruments Climate Physics Remote Sensing and 5 courses at free choice: Space Technology Projects 1 – Image Treatment with Space Applications – Space Flight Attitude Dynamics – Space Plasma Physics – Optic and Radar Based Observational Technique – Solar Physics – Solar System Physics - Cosmology
Flight Technology 52,5 ECTS (Luleå) 4 courses: Aerodynamics General Flight Technology Aircraft Engine Technique Aircraft Strength and 3 cources at free choice: Space Flight Attitude Dynamics – Aircraft Reliance and Maintenance Technique – Mechanical Applications – Fluid Mechanics – Calculational Methods in Fluid Mechanics – Project Course Flight Technology – Model Construction and Control – Avionics – Composite Materials
Rocket- and Balloon Projects In a project course one can e.g. measure: 1Temperature 2Pressure 3Force 4Magnetic field 5GPS 6Communication 7Thermal balance 8Acceleration 9Frequency variation caused by temperature or pressure variations
Master thesis projects In a master thesis one can treat e.g. 1Magnetic fields 2Particles 3Acoustic thermometer 4Electric fields 5Meteor and aerosols 6Cosmic radiation 7Radio reception 8Water, Moisture in Atmosphere 9Density
Space Technology is international! Our students has done master theses in among others England France Germany Finland Czech Republic Holland Poland USA Australia Chile
Registered study period (300 ECTS programme starts) (1st choice) Most popular programme!
…but few complete Registered study period
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