2 LDC borstplätering Tel: Crankshaft for large Diesel engine
3 LDC borstplätering Tel: Damages are grinded clean out at the corroded areas on a crankshaft
4 LDC borstplätering Tel: Damages are filled with copper LDC with a hardness of 250 Hb
5 LDC borstplätering Tel: Repair finished with a top layer of LDC-2807 Ni And polished within the tolerance.
6 LDC borstplätering Tel: mm deep local damage on a crankpin.
7 LDC borstplätering Tel: The damage is filled with LDC-2904 copper and polished slight under size approximately 0,03 mm.
8 LDC borstplätering Tel: The nickel plating is finished and the crankshaft is ready for final polishing.
9. LDC borstplätering Tel: Score all around a main journal on a crankshaft with a max deapth of up to 1,5 mm
10 LDC borstplätering Tel: The score is filled in with Copper LDC-2904 with a hardness of 250 HB
11 LDC borstplätering Tel: Nickel LDC on top and polished in to right tolerances
12 LDC borstplätering Tel: Local damage is about 6 mm deep
13 LDC borstplätering Tel: The lokal damage is filled in with LDC-2904 Copper Hi- Speed with a hardness about Hb 250.
14 Crankshaft is totaly repaird and in original tolerances and a top layer of LDC-2807 Nikel acid. LDC borstplätering Tel:
15 LDC borstplätering Tel: Damages are ground out Masking off surrounding areas to collect solutions.
16 LDC borstplätering Tel: Plated and Polished LDC copper with a hardness of 250 HB
17 Finished and polished to tolerances within origin LDC borstplätering Tel:
18 Then plating and polishing is finished there is several testing's, fore example blue test to check contact area. LDC borstplätering Tel:
19 LDC borstplätering Tel: Process Procedure for repair of Crankshaft damage using LDC plating method. 1.Dressing up the area of dent/damage with local grinding machine. 2.Degreasing by acetone or similar on damaged and surrounding areas. 3.Masking of crankpin and sheeting of surrounding areas to prevent ingress of plating solutions or any contaminants. 4.Electrically degreasing by LDC-01 Electroclean + polarity 8-10 V. 5.Rinse with clean water. 6.Activate with LDC-02 activator and etch - polarity 10 V. 7.Rinse with clean water. 8.Activate with LDC-03 activator and etch - polarity 14 V. 9.Rinse. 10.Activate with LDC-1 Activator 1 + polarity 9 V. 11.Apply a bonding layer of 3-4 microns LDC pol. 10 – 14 V. 12.Rinse. 13.Build-up plating with LDC-2904 Copper Alk. HS + polarity 5 – 8 V. to oversize then grind/dress/polish down to just below nominal dimensions, leaving 0,005-0,02mm undersize. 14. This procedure might have to be done several times if damage is very deep. 15. Top coat with Nickel LDC-2807 to reach correct tolerance. LDC Sales & Consulting AB Box RÄTTVIK SWEDEN