By Guy Story, KC5GOI Introduction to APRS By Guy Story, KC5GOI Intro myself, talk about TDD, winning APRS FD in 1998.
Topics to be covered What is APRS? Why do I want APRS? How do I view APRS? OK, now how do I go mobile? Current software The internet piece of the puzzle Upcoming goodies
What is APRS Automatic Position Reporting System By Bob Bruninga, WB4APR Brief history tell about how Bob originally used it to track boat races.
History of APRS Initial use as we know it in 1990 to track boats during summer cruises. The following flavors followed. MacAPRS WinAPRS APRS+ pocketAPRS just released PerlAPRS XAPRS released as beta at 1999 Dayton Hamvention
Why do I want APRS? For Starters…. Ok, Joe Ham tells me he has a bike rider down but has no clue were he is. Or, Joe Ham has hail coming down and still has no clue were he is. Joe Ham is part of a disaster evaluation team. elaborate on uses, Skywarn, bike rides, Red Cross assistance, general public service, balloons, DF, messaging
How do I view APRS?
Software There are many flavors to APRS DOS APRS WinAPRS and APRS+SA MacAPRS XAPRS for Linux (currently in beta) pocket APRS (Palm Pilot) APRSdigi, digi software PerlAPRS
OK, now how do I go mobile? TNC route Mic-E route Pic-E route GPS receiver Do I have/want to use a laptop? address laptop config HSP, PCM serial port card or a tnc with software serial port.
Mobile Equipment tell about each item starting with mic-e and gong clockwise mic-e gps engine for mic-e tnc pic-e talk about laptop and serial port issues.
TNC Verses Mic-E or Pic-E TNC route requires a separate radio Mic-E and Pic-E can go in-between radio and mic. Either route can be run on separate radio Either route is referred to as a “TRACKER”
Definitions A tracker is a mobile station Posits are position reports UI Frames are frames that do not employ error correction techniques, entirely that is. Digipeaters are stations that act as a simplex repeater except in a digital format IGATES are stations that feed data to and from the internet
Definitions GATES are stations that take the HF APRS data and retransmits them on VHF and possible the internet. APRServers are stations that IGATES send data to and redistribute them to the IGATEs
How does it work, basically? A tracker or fixed stations sends out a UI frame that has lat/long and possibly other data. If the packet burst passes the checksum, the info is then displayed on the screen. If the checksum fails, the packet is lost. This is not a big deal since the posit will be transmitted again soon. Check sum failure: if the checksum does fail, the fact that the packet will be retransmitted in a relativly short time frame will improve chances of the packet being received.
The Next Level IGATES, why would I want to do this? IGATES provide a feed to the net so everyone can see what is going on and allows for messaging on a world level Balloons, mobile stations, weather events you want to track, using automated watch/warning data to transmit in your area.
What else can I do with APRS Connect your weather station DF abilites track vehicles (balloons, trucks, space vehicles, hurricanes) messages Propagation, PropNet
Guy Story: W8XF baloon launch on 8.3.97. The X indicates max altitude achieved.
Digipeater does and don’ts Don’t use wide, wide wide or relay, wide, wide. This can lead to channel saturation due to uneeded duplicate packets. Use no more than 2 wides or a wide then a relay in a unprotopath Use discrete calls when possible. Alias’ can be used but with restraint. Base stations need to use discrete calls in unprotopaths after a path has been determined. The digis located on this page are all at high altitudes. Unless you are the only station in the area, homes or stations that are at lower altitudes should not use WIDE in the alias list. Relay is prefered. All other stations on this page are home stations or at city facilities.
Other station tips What is my tnc deviation? The target is 3 kHz deviation Greatly improves channel throughput. Go to for more data. Open squelch?????? Hidden and deaf transmitters Deviation is probably one of the most aspects of packet. If the deviation is not set right then the tones may not get decoded correctly if at all. The end result is increased activity on the channel for the wrong reasons. The retry rate goes up dramatically. Can you run open squelch? Many tnc’s can be modified to do so. This will increase your ability to rx weak signal stations. This helps reduce collisions and reduce the turn around to ptt time. Reduces hidden transmitters. A hidden transmitter is a station that few people can hear. This is why hts are not ideal. Deaf transmitters/trackers. Please avoid if you can. While it is not discouraged to use deaf transmiters it hurts channel througput. A deaf transmitter does not have the abiltiy to hear if the channel is active or not. This will cause a collision.
Credits Bob Bruninga, WB4APR TAPR Mark, KB2ICI and Keith, WU2Z, Sproul Brent Hilderbrand, KH2Z Steve Dimse, K4HG Mike Musick, N0QBF Rich Perry, W9IF John Ackerman, N8UR