Algae By Davis Barber, Pete Carrol, and KC McCarthy
Protists can be both multi/unicellular Has a nucleus All are eukaryotes Some lack a cell wall Most have mitochondria Some have chloroplasts-allowing photosynthesis Have DNA and RNA Cell Complexity and Structure
Animal-like protists Phylum Amoebas: Example Amoeba Phylum Ciliophora: Example Paramecium Phylum Sporozoa : Example Plasmodium Phylum Flagellates: Example Trypanosoma Plant-like protists Phylum Red Algae: Example Chondrus Phylum Brown Algae: Example Laminaria Phylum Green Algae: Example Ulva Fungus-like protists Phylum Cellular slime molds: Example Dictyostelium Phylum Plasmodial slime molds: Example Physarum Phylum Water Molds, Mildews, Rusts: Example Phytophthora Coralline Algae Algae Amoeba Trichonypha Tetrahymena Major Phyla and Species
How Protists Feed and Obtain Energy Animal-Like Protists (Protozoa) Heterotrophic Must move around to obtain energy Plant-Like Protists (Algae) Autotrophic Means they do no need to move around to obtain energy Contain chlorophyll and a chloroplast Type of green algae
MITOSIS Parent cell divides Turns into two cells Each resulting cell is ½ size of parent cell Occurs in protists such as amoebas MEIOSIS Occurs in protists such as Paramecia Two cells join at oral grooves Genetic material is transferred Several divisions occur, resulting in eight new cells BASIC PROTISTS Reproduce through sexual and asexual reproduction Meiosis and Mitosis like any organism Reproduction