Small Intestine
Small Intestine: FU Starts at: SI1:Location: 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the ulnar side of the little finger. Use: TING POINT : for eye redness, earache, tinnitus, sore throat, stiff tongue. Ends at: SI19: Location: Anterior to the tragus and posterior to the condyloid process of the mandible, in a depression formed when the mouth is opened. Use: Ear problems of any etiology, inflammation, tinnitus, hearing loss.
SI19 SI1
Function The small intestine receives partially digested food from the stomach and further refines it. assimilates the purified nutrients and moving the impure wastes onwards to the large intestine for elimination. EMOTION: Controls the more basic emotions, such as 'broken heart'.
Important Points: SI3: Location: When a loose fist is made, at the ulnar end of the distal palmar crease proximal to the 5th metacarpal phalangeal joint at the junction of the red & white skin. Use: Pain in the scapula, and arm. Stiff neck, cervical strain/sprain, pain of the back or neck. Occipital headaches, combine with local points. Night sweats, eye redness, inflammation, visual dizziness, earache, tinnitus. EMOTION: Calms the spirit.
SI9,10,11: Local points for pain.
Bladder: FU
Bladder Longest! Starts at:BL1. Location: In a depression, 0.1 cun above the inner canthus of the eye. Use: Eye pain, strain, redness, swelling, itching, twitching, blurry vision, etc. Ends at:BL67. TING POINT. Location: 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the little toe. Use: Clears pain a/or stagnation from the opposite end of the channel: headache, eye pain, sinus pain, etc. Use with moxa to adjust breech fetal position (generally indirect moxa for 10-20 minutes 1x/day).
Function The bladder is responsible for storing and excreting the urinary waste fluids passed down from the kidneys. As an energy system the bladder is intimately related to the functions and balance of the autonomous nervous system ( sympathetic and parasympathetic trunks of the autonomous nervous system
The sympathetic system will cause tension and pain along the spine and its periphery. This tension and pain may be relieved by stimulating the flow of energy along the spinal branches of the bladder meridian. Such stimulation induces total relaxation by switching the autonomous nervous system over to the restful, restorative parasympathetic mode
Important Points BL1,2,10: LOCAL BL11: HUI BONE . Location: 1.5 cun lateral to GV 13, level with T1. Use: Useful with any bone or problem such as osteoporosis, arthritis, inflammation, sensation of heat in the bones, etc. Useful adjunctive point to effect the lungs in cases of infections, colds a/or flus or asthma related conditions. BL13,14,15,18,19,20,21,22,23,25,27: BACK SHU POINTS. Will be d/w later!
BL40:Location: Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosis. Use: As the Lumbar Command Point, useful for all lumbar related issues: acute low back pain, sprain, muscle spasms, etc. Good local point for leg a/or knee pain. BL60:Location: In a depression between the tip of the external malleolus and the achilles tendon. Use: Main point for pain anywhere along the spine (BL40 may be used more for pain in the middle of the spine). Main point for chronic low back pain a/or problems of pain a/or numbness in the lower limbs. Main point for headache and other excesses effecting the head. Induce labor or promote discharge of a retained placenta.
BL18 BL40
BL60 BL67