Monday, November 25 th To Kill a Mockingbird Please take out your books to read Agenda: Review of chapters Character sheet Chapter 10
Chapter 6 To Kill a Mockingbird Dill’s last day: Sneak to the Radley house and see a shadow, Jem loses his pants Jem sneaks out to get his pants DESTRUCTION OF AN INNOCENT BEING Boo Radley’s presence: the presents begin to appear in the Radley tree, and, though Scout does not realize who has been putting them there Miss Maudie offers insight into the origins of Boo’s reclusiveness and a sympathetic perspective on his story The children first treat him as a superstition but then he becomes an important benchmark in their development of a more sympathetic, mature perspective.
Chapter 7 To Kill a Mockingbird Boo mended Jem’s pants they find another present hidden in the knothole: a ball of gray twine another present appears in the knothole—two figures carved in soap to resemble Scout and Jem The next day, Jem and Scout find that the knothole has been filled with cement. When Jem asks Mr. Radley (Nathan Radley, Boo’s brother) about the knothole the following day, Mr. Radley replies that he plugged the knothole because the tree is dying.
Chapter 8 To Kill a Mockingbird They make a snowman to look like Mr. Avery Miss Maude’s house is on Fire that night In the confusion, someone drapes a blanket over Scout. Jem realizes its Boo. MOVING INTO ADULTHOOD Jem is brought to tears, because he grasps that Boo’s brother has done something cruel: he has deprived Boo of his connection to the wider world and has broken up his brother’s attempt at friendship. While Scout retains her innocence and optimism throughout the book, Jem undergoes severe disillusionment as part of his “growing up,” and the Boo Radley incident in this chapter is an important early step toward that disillusionment.
Chapter 9 To Kill a Mockingbird Scout gets in a fight with Cecil Jacobs Atticus is asked to defend Tom Robinson Scout meets her aunt Alexandra Scout beats up her cousin, Francis LOSS OF INNOCENCE adult problems and concerns begin disrupting the happy world of the Finch children Alexandra’s first appearance in the story, and her portrayal is mostly negative; only later will she develop into a sympathetic character. When he gives Jem and Scout air rifles as presents, he advises them that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. This idea is, of course, the source of the novel’s title, and it reflects the book’s preoccupation with injustices inflicted upon innocents.