The Benefits of Rehabilitation Ian Walker
Rehabilitation Make client better Then sort out the damages Work with the insurer to achieve this Outside the litigation/claim process Make client better Then sort out the damages Work with the insurer to achieve this Outside the litigation/claim process
Rehabilitation Concept that making the pursuer better comes first - compensation later Is now a feature of all England/Wales claims Is set out in the Civil Procedure Rules Will be at the heart of any new or modified claims process Concept that making the pursuer better comes first - compensation later Is now a feature of all England/Wales claims Is set out in the Civil Procedure Rules Will be at the heart of any new or modified claims process
Benefits to the Pursuer Knows that his/her lawyer interested in more than money Knows that his/her medical needs will be looked at quickly to supplement exiting treatment Knows that his/her medical treatment can be funded Knows that his/her lawyer interested in more than money Knows that his/her medical needs will be looked at quickly to supplement exiting treatment Knows that his/her medical treatment can be funded
Benefits to the Pursuer Knows that the insurer is being sympathetic Knows that recovery and return to work is being prioritised Knows that the insurer is being sympathetic Knows that recovery and return to work is being prioritised
Problems Delay Ignorance Issues about choice of provider Cost/benefit analysis Vocational rehab Quality standards Adversarial rehab Crossover with the claim Serious cases Delay Ignorance Issues about choice of provider Cost/benefit analysis Vocational rehab Quality standards Adversarial rehab Crossover with the claim Serious cases
the 2007 Code
The Benefits of Rehabilitation Ian Walker