William Shakespeare Man or Magician?
The Man
An Authentic Image? Existed in one Canadian family for 12 generations. Painted during his lifetime. Only 3 authentic images of Shakespeare in the world.
The Beginnings of Shakespeare April 23 rd, 1564 Stratford-Upon-Avon Childhood Grammar School Marriage Anne Hathaway
Shakespeare’s Career London The Lord Chamberlain’s Men The Globe Theatre
Shakespeare’s Fame 38 plays in 25 years Gained the admiration of Queen Elizabeth Devoted audiences and theatre company
“What A Piece of Work is Man” William Shakespeare returned to Stratford in 1610, although he still continued to write. He died on his birthday: April 23 rd, 1616
Shakespeare’s Gravestone Good friend for Jesus sake, forbeare To digg the dust enclosed heare; Blessed be the man who spares these stones And curst be he who moves my bones
Shakespeare’s Continuity Recent Play and Movie Posters
The Magician Poetry and Language Humanity Characters Appeal to everyone Easy to identify with Sympathetic Inventive Playful Power of the catch phrase Understanding Motivation Possibility
Reflections “And since you know you cannot see yourself So well as by reflection; I, your glass, Will modestly discover to yourself That of yourself which you yet know not of.” (Julius Caesar)