1:34 Setting A Win-Win Agreement Processes Necessary To Make The Changes That You Want And Need At Your Company By Les Cunningham CGC, CR*, CCR*, CGRa *A NARI Certification
2:34 Seeing Things Differently Paradigm:
4:34 1. If you see this person as young, UNDER 30, please move to the left UNDER 30, please move to the left side of the room and take a seat. side of the room and take a seat. 2. If you see this person as OVER 30, please move to the right side of please move to the right side of the room and take a seat. the room and take a seat. 3. I need 2 volunteers to get the other group to see their other group to see their paradigm. paradigm. 1. If you see this person as young, UNDER 30, please move to the left UNDER 30, please move to the left side of the room and take a seat. side of the room and take a seat. 2. If you see this person as OVER 30, please move to the right side of please move to the right side of the room and take a seat. the room and take a seat. 3. I need 2 volunteers to get the other group to see their other group to see their paradigm. paradigm. What do you see?
5:34 Young Person? NoseChin
6:34 Old Person? EyeNose
7:34 Can you now see the other point of view?
8:34 Trust Gauge
10:34 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People By: Stephen R. Covey Team Building Manual
11:34 INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
12:34 INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE Your Family Raised You Your Family Raised You You Look Out For Yourself - Porcupine You Look Out For Yourself - Porcupine The Team Looks Out For Each Other The Team Looks Out For Each Other Maturity T i m e How to Make it Work
13:34 Habit # 1: Be Proactive =You’re the Programmer Do you want this opportunity? Yes or No? INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
14:34 Habit # 2: Begin with The End in Mind = Where Do You Finish? Where do you want this opportunity to go? INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
15:34 Desired How To Attain Your Goal/Mission Statements You Draw The Lines Actual
16:34 Desired How To Attain Your Goal/Mission Statements You Draw The Lines Actual
17:34 Habit # 3: Put First Things First Plans, where do you start? INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
18:34 Private Victory = Slow, Slow, Slow Motion Getting your act together. INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
19:34 Habit # 4: Think Win-Win = You Win, Client Wins INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
20:34 Win-Win or No Deal ! (All But Your Family) Compromise
21:34 Win-Win Agreement See Handout #1 Owner You PTB-Every Job Every Job on Time Every Job on Budget A Schedule that Works Additional? Produce Bid/Scope Only AWA/Supplement on Every Change Supply Hours and Materials Estimate Additional? Estimator Owner Yourself Additional? Daily Time Cards Weekly Job Cost Report Your Pay Additional? Produce Job as Bid Institute Incentive Plan/Shared Savings Pay Adjustment Additional? Yes No Completed By______________ Shared Savings PTB Shared Savings
22:34 Habit # 5: Seek First to Understand... Then to Be Understood Understand and repeat back what they said. INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
23:34 Audience Role Play Need Two Habit #5 Volunteers
24:34 Habit # 6: Synergize = Team Works Together It happens so quickly that it may not be seen if you are not looking for it. INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
25:34 Bodies for Money, Brains for Free... If You Mutually If You Mutually Negotiate It. Negotiate It.
26:34 Sharpen The Saw = Take Care of Yourself Physically, Mentally, Socially/Emotionally, Spiritually If you don’t, you go from being an asset to a liability. INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory Habit # 7:
27:34 Public Victory = Fast, Fast, Fast Motion Strobe Light INTERDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE 1 Seek first to understand... then to be understood Seek first to understand... then to be understood Synergize Think Win-Win Think Win-Win Put First Things First Be Proactive Be Proactive Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Sharpen the saw Public Victory Public Victory Private Victory Private Victory
28:34 Checklists/Reports
29:34 Share the Vision ! Mutually Negotiate with the team !
30:34 Apollo 11 Moon Mission Slightly off course 90% Slightly off course 90%
31:34 Creating Win-Win Relationships
32:34 So What have I told you? (Treat everyone like a client.) Owner You Client
33:34 TEAMTEAM Employee, Sub, Client & Supplier
34:34 Our Business Networks Team thanks you for the opportunity to be of service to you and your company!!