Daily Classroom Procedures
Beginning of the Day: 1.Wait until 8 am to enter the classroom. 2.8:10 bell is a signal for silence. 3.Hang up backpack and take ALL needed supplies to your desk. 4.Sharpen pencils. 5.Complete morning work QUIETLY. 6.If you finish early, read a book or work on a project.
1.Sharpen pencils ONLY when direct instruction is not taking place. 2.Sharpen ONE pencil at a time. (If you have more, sharpen them before or after a break) 3.If you need a pencil during class borrow from a neighbor.
1.Use good judgment in selecting a time to leave. Do NOT leave during direct instruction. 1 boy or girl at a time. 2.Ask Miss Horsley before leaving. 3.Walk to the restroom. 4.Return responsibly. 5.Enter the classroom respectfully.
1.Follow Miss Horsley’s direction. 2.Voices are off. 3.Eyes to the front. 4.Hands and feet to yourself. 5.Respect personal space.
Hallway 1.Walk in a single line. 2.Walk on the right side. 3.Stop when directed. 4.School rule: walk silently in the hallway to respect the learning of others. 5.Wait for the “OK” to enter another room.
1.Work at assigned computer. 2.Log in correctly. 3.Use equipment as directed. 4.Use assigned program. 5.Work QUIETLY, unless otherwise directed. 6.Log out correctly. 7.Follow line-up procedures.
Lunch! 1.Wash up by table. 2.Wait quietly to be called to line up. 3.Walk quietly to lunch room. 4.Wait patiently for your turn. 5.Show respect and be kind to lunchroom staff. Say“Please” and “Thank you” 6.Use your restaurant manners.
Planner 1.Copy subject lessons from the board. 2.Wait QUIETLY to show Miss Horsley your parent’s signature from the last school day. 3.Write down any extra notes that Miss Horsley tells you about.
End of the Day! 1.Put all supplies away NEATLY where they belong. 2.Clean the area around your table. 3.Wait quietly for your table to be called to “pack up”. 4.Wait quietly for your table to be called to stack chairs and line-up at the door. 5.Miss Horsley will dismiss you at the door.
Group Work: 1.Use a 6 inch voice. 2.Stay with your group. 3.Take turns talking, listening, and sharing ideas. 4.Respect materials. 5.Stop work, stop talking and eyes up front when you hear Miss Horsley’s signal.
Seat Work 1.Consider this a quiet time and respect others by whispering. 2.Complete daily work first, then work on other projects or assignments. 3.Other choices: read, study spelling words, math facts, vocabulary, math center, etc. 4.Excellent time to get help from Miss Horsley!