After Twenty years O · Henry ※ About the Author ※ About the Author background /works background /works ※ About the text ※ About the text main idea / word study / understanding main idea / word study / understanding ※ In-class Discussion ※ In-class Discussion ※ Answers to the Exercises ※ Answers to the Exercises ※ After – class Activities ※ After – class Activities
※ About the Author ※ About the Author O.Henry ( ) was the pen name of William Sydney Porter, an American short story writer noted for unexpected and often ironic ends of his tales. His habitual use of surprise endings set a pattern that was later followed by many short-story writers. A lot of his stories were written in a prison in Ohio while he was serving his sentence for embezzlement. He moved to New York in 1902 and wrote about 300 short stories. His works included: The Cop and The Anthem. The Gift of the Magi.
※ About the Text main idea The theme of this story is a common one: loyalty to a friend vs. devotion to public duty. Bob and Jim had obviously been close friends twenty years ago when they were young. Otherwise they would not have made this appointment to meet again at exactly the same place and the same hour twenty years later. We don’t know what had happened twenty years ago that made them so special to each other. But it was clear that Jim was a good honest man and always true to his friends and Bob admired and trusted him. The drama of the story lies in the fact that when they met again twenty tears later, they should find themselves on opposite sides of the law one was the man wanted by the police and the other turned out to be the police officer instructed to watch out for the runaway criminal. But no matter how much Jim had cherished their friendship, he would not let a personal relationship stand in the way of discharging his duty.
4 ※ About the Text word study word study · sharp : adj.1) having a fine edge or point; capable of cutting or piercing; not blunt. e.g. a sharp knife, pin,needle, etc 2) quickly aware of things; acute; alert. 2) quickly aware of things; acute; alert. e.g. sharp eyes, ears, reflexes e.g. sharp eyes, ears, reflexes 3) quick; brisk; vigorous. 3) quick; brisk; vigorous. e.g. a sharp struggle, contest, etc e.g. a sharp struggle, contest, etc adv.1)(infml) punctually. adv.1)(infml) punctually. e.g. Please be here at seven sharp. e.g. Please be here at seven sharp. 2)(infml) suddenly; abruptly. 2)(infml) suddenly; abruptly. e.g. stopped sharp, turn sharp left. e.g. stopped sharp, turn sharp left. sharpen: sharp + -en verb.( cause sth. to ) become sharp. sharpen: sharp + -en verb.( cause sth. to ) become sharp. e.g. sharpen a pencil e.g. sharpen a pencil The tone of his letters has sharpened ( ie become less friendly ) recently. The tone of his letters has sharpened ( ie become less friendly ) recently.
※ About the Text ※ About the Text word study word study Keen adj. 1) eager; enthusiastic. e.g. a keen swimmer, Keen adj. 1) eager; enthusiastic. e.g. a keen swimmer, 2) (of feelings, etc) intense; strong; deep 2) (of feelings, etc) intense; strong; deep e.g. a keen desire, interest, sense of loss. e.g. a keen desire, interest, sense of loss. 3) (of the senses) highly developed. 3) (of the senses) highly developed. e.g. Dogs have a keen sense of smell. e.g. Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 4) (of the points and cutting edges of knives, etc) sharp. 4) (of the points and cutting edges of knives, etc) sharp. e.g. a keen blade, edge. e.g. a keen blade, edge. 5) (of the mind) quick to understand. 5) (of the mind) quick to understand. e.g. a keen wit, intelligence. e.g. a keen wit, intelligence.
※ About the Text Word study Word study air n. 1) 【 U 】 mixture of gases surrounding the earth and breathed by all land animals and plants. e.g. Let ’ s go out for some fresh air. air n. 1) 【 U 】 mixture of gases surrounding the earth and breathed by all land animals and plants. e.g. Let ’ s go out for some fresh air. 2) 【 C 】 impression given; appearance or manner. 2) 【 C 】 impression given; appearance or manner. e.g. He had the air of a learned professor. e.g. He had the air of a learned professor. 3) 【 U 】 the earth ’ s atmosphere; open space in this. 3) 【 U 】 the earth ’ s atmosphere; open space in this. e.g. the birds of the air. e.g. the birds of the air. be in the open air. be in the open air. 4) (idm) airs and graces: (derog) affected manner intended (usu unsuccessfully) to make one appear a very refined person. 4) (idm) airs and graces: (derog) affected manner intended (usu unsuccessfully) to make one appear a very refined person.
※ About the Text Word study Word study Figure n. 1) written symbol for a number, esp 0 to 9. Figure n. 1) written symbol for a number, esp 0 to 9. e.g. Write the figure ‘ 7 ’ for me. e.g. Write the figure ‘ 7 ’ for me. 2) diagram or illustration. 2) diagram or illustration. e.g. The figure on page 22 shows a political map of Africa. e.g. The figure on page 22 shows a political map of Africa. 3) representation of a person or an animal in drawing, painting, etc. 3) representation of a person or an animal in drawing, painting, etc. e.g. The central figure in the painting is the artist ’ s daughter. e.g. The central figure in the painting is the artist ’ s daughter. 4) human form, esp its appearance, what it suggests, and how it is seen by others. 4) human form, esp its appearance, what it suggests, and how it is seen by others. e.g. She is a fine figure of a woman, ie pleasing in shape and appearance. e.g. She is a fine figure of a woman, ie pleasing in shape and appearance.
※ About the Text Understanding · The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. beat: an area of the town or city that a police officer regularly walks around; his route, which he patrols. on the beat: checking the area he is assigned to
※ About the Text Understanding The impressiveness was normal and for show, for spectators were few. This policeman was impressive in a natural way. He was not trying to look important, because it didn’t make sense — there were few people in the street to see him. This description shows that Jim had become an excellent police officer.
※ About the Text Understanding The time was barely ten o’clock, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had almost emptied in the streets. Barely: hardly; only just e.g. She spoke so softly. I could barely hear him. I can barely make both ends meet. How can I buy a car. To empty: to make sth. empty. e.g. He emptied his pockets to show that he really had no money on him.
※ About the Text Understanding The area was one that kept early hours. People in that area closed their stores pretty early.
※ About the Text Understanding When about midway, the policeman suddenly slowed his walk. Why? Because he saw a man standing in the doorway and he became suspicious, or because he was excited that it might be the friend he had expected to see.
※ About the Text Understanding In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. The author was careful about the details in the description. It had to be a darkened store and Bob’s cigar had to be unlighted, otherwise Jim would see that it was the man wanted by the police in Chicago.
※ About the Text Understanding It’s an appointment made twenty years ago. The man was eager to explain to the police officer, which reflected the mentality of a man wanted by the police. It is strange that they did not recognize each other. It could be the darkness and long separation. It could also be that on Jim’s part, he was cautious.
※ About the Text Understanding Sounds a little funny to you, doesn’t it? More examples of the use of “sound” as a link verb: e.g. It may sound easy to you. But actually it is very difficult. The name sounds familiar. I can’t recall where I heard it. It sounds good. OK, let’s do it.
※ About the Text Understanding The light showed a pale square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. His tiepin was a large diamond, oddly set. The match light showed a face which must have fitted the description of the wanted man, especially the square jaw and the white scare. The mention of the diamond tiepin and the scare also suggested what bob had gone through. keen eyes: sharp eyes; eyes of good sight oddly set: the diamond placed in a strange or unusual way showing the owner’s lack of taste
※ About the Text Understanding The next morning I was to start for the west to make my fortune. In popular ideas about America, the Wild West has always meant the land of opportunities and adventure. to make one’s fortune: to make a lot of money.
※ About the Text Understanding We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our fate worked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be. We guessed that by that time we should have already decided what to do with our lives, or we should have already found our places in society. to work out: to calculate; to find out
※ About the Text Understanding We lost track of each other. to keep track of : to pay attention to sb. so that you know where they are or what is happening to them. to lose track of : to fail to do that. e.g. Have you kept track of the stock market? I have lost track of its latest development.
※ About the Text Understanding If my old partner turns up. to turn up: to arrive at the place. e.g. We waited for a long time, but no taxi turned up. The police were ordered to arrest him as soon as he turned up.
※ About the Text Understanding A man gets stuck in New York. It takes the West to make a man really keen. A man is unable to go very far or to be very successful in new York. He can’t escape the boring life. He has to go the West to become an eager and exciting person
※ About the Text Understanding The few foot passengers in that quarter hurried dismally and silently. foot passenger: people walking in the street. Today we use the word “pedestrian” to refer to a person walking in the street, and “ foot passenger: usually means a person on a ship who has not brought his car.
※ About the Text Understanding “ Bless my heart!” exclaimed the new arrival. bless my heart:( =bless my soul) used to express surprise. This expression is rather old-fashioned. the new arrival: the man who has newly arrived.
※ About the Text Understanding Moderately. I have a position in one of the city departments. moderately: so-so; not too well, not too badly either. I have a position: I have a job In one of the city departments: ( I have a job) in one of the departments of the city government. ( he didn’t say directly that he had a position in the police department)
※ About the Text Understanding The man suddenly released his arm. The man suddenly stopped holding his arm. Other uses of “ to release” : He was released from the prison. ( let free ) The news was released in yesterday’s New York Times. ( made known ) She needed to do something to release her tension. ( get rid of ) We could release you from tour duties for two days. Meanwhile, you take a good rest. ( allow you not to do your work)
※ About the Text Understanding Chicago telegraphs us she wants to have a chat with you. “ Chicago” here refers to the Chicago police. “ Wants to have a chat with you” is a euphemism meaning “is trying to track you down, arrest you and take you to court”.
※ About the Text Understanding He said sharply. He said in a very severe and disapproving way. · I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago. Someone who is wanted is being looked for by the police. Example: He was wanted for the cruel murder of three children.
※ In – class Discussion If you were Jim, the policeman, what will you do? Will you do the same as he did or will you let your friend go ? If you were Jim, the policeman, what will you do? Will you do the same as he did or will you let your friend go ? If you were Bob, the criminal, will you keep your appointment made twenty years ago? If you were Bob, the criminal, will you keep your appointment made twenty years ago? When you knew that it was Jim who reported you to the police to arrest you, will you be disappointed with your best friend? Will When you knew that it was Jim who reported you to the police to arrest you, will you be disappointed with your best friend? Will
※ Answers to the Exercises I. Complete the sentences, using the proper form of the expressions listed below. I. Complete the sentences, using the proper form of the expressions listed below. 1. under arrest 2. get stuck 3. lost track of 1. under arrest 2. get stuck 3. lost track of 4. heard from 5. change … into 6. existence 7. know of 8. compete with 9. for show 10. tearing down 11. in existence 12. compete with 13. lose track of
※ Answers to the Exercises II. Put the following into English. II. Put the following into English. 1). To fill an appointment 1). To fill an appointment 2). To make a large fortune 2). To make a large fortune 3). To keep early hours 3). To keep early hours 4). To take a step or two 4). To take a step or two 5). To slow one ’ s walk 5). To slow one ’ s walk 6). To light a cigar 6). To light a cigar 7). To unfold the paper 7). To unfold the paper 8). To cast a watchful eye 8). To cast a watchful eye 9). To empty the street 9). To empty the street ,
※ Answers to the Exercises II. Put the following into English. II. Put the following into English. 1). To fill an appointment 1). To fill an appointment 2). To make a large fortune 2). To make a large fortune 3). To keep early hours 3). To keep early hours 4). To take a step or two 4). To take a step or two 5). To slow one ’ s walk 5). To slow one ’ s walk 6). To light a cigar 6). To light a cigar 7). To unfold the paper 7). To unfold the paper 8). To cast a watchful eye 8). To cast a watchful eye 9). To empty the street 9). To empty the street
※ Answers to the Exercises III. Put in the missing words. III. Put in the missing words. 1) Take 2) family 3) unless 1) Take 2) family 3) unless 4) question 5) age 6) word 4) question 5) age 6) word 7) later 8) no 9) support 7) later 8) no 9) support 10) which 11) apart 12) kept 10) which 11) apart 12) kept 13) among 14) on 15) lives 13) among 14) on 15) lives 16) for 17) sense 18) concerned 16) for 17) sense 18) concerned 19) less 20) down 21) may 19) less 20) down 21) may 22) after 23) hero 22) after 23) hero
※ Answers to the Exercises IV. Put in the comparative form of the words or expressions in the list. 1. bigger 2. brighter 3. prettier 1. bigger 2. brighter 3. prettier 4. as good as 5. less varied 6. more expensive 4. as good as 5. less varied 6. more expensive 7. better 8. better 9. as good as 7. better 8. better 9. as good as 10. as tasty as 11. the more crowded 10. as tasty as 11. the more crowded 12. the slower 13. longer 14. longer 12. the slower 13. longer 14. longer 15. less expensive 16. more relaxed 15. less expensive 16. more relaxed
※ After-class Activities Imagine you are Jimmy Wells and describe your encounter with Bob in about 100 words.