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Page 2 Program Objectives Program Objectives (1 of 2) Understand the team concept. Open lines of communication as a foundation. Sharpen communication techniques and skills. Learn techniques for building a better team.
Page 3 Understand your style and role as a team leader. Sharpen your team’s goal setting, motivation and output/performance. Understand team members and team dynamics. Practice, discuss, and problem solve. Program Objectives Program Objectives (2 of 2)
Page 4 A Challenge Please write a One Sentence Definition of TEAM BUILDING.
Page 5 What Is A Teamwork and team building? Teamwork: Concept of people working together as a team Team building: Process of establishing and developing a greater sense of collaboration and trust between team members
Page 6 Team Player A team player is someone who is able to get along with their colleagues and work together in a cohesive group.
Page 7 Common Need The overriding need of all people working for the same organization: to make the organization profitable.
Page 8 Teamwork Skills….. l Listen l Question l Persuade l Respect l Help l Share l Participate
Page 9 Conceptions of “Team” Conceptions of “Team” (1 of 3) The Athletic Perspective: Here, “team” connotes winning and losing. In an athletic arena, winning is the ultimate goal. The Power of Two: Here, “team”implies partnership. This includes both business and personal partnerships such as marriage.
Page 10 Conceptions of “Team” Conceptions of “Team” (2 of 3) Circumstantial: Here, “team” simply means any group in the same place at the same time. For example, in this context a company in general or all the managers in an organization could be considered a team.
Page 11 Conceptions of “Team” Conceptions of “Team” (3 of 3) The Community Approach: Here, a “team” is a group of individuals that share, collaborate, and assist one another. The group usually includes about 20 individuals. Members look to their peers for support. This type of team leads to workplace success!
Page 12 Team Development Stages l Forming l Storming l Norming l Performing
Page 13 l Team learns about the opportunity, challenges, agrees on goals and begin to tackle the tasks. l Team members behave independently. They may be motivated, but are usually relatively uninformed of the team objectives l Team members are on their best behavior but very focused on self l Supervisors need to be directive
Page 14 l Ideas compete for consideration l Team members open up and confront each other ideas l Can be contentious and unpleasant l Tolerance among team members necessary l Supervisors direct and guide in decision- making
Page 15 l Members adjust behaviors to make teamwork natural l Team agrees on rules, values, professional behavior, shared methods, working tools l Team members begin to trust each other l Motivation increases l Teams may lose creative edge l Supervisors are more participative l Team members take responsibility in decisions making
Page 16 l Teams functions as a unit to get the job done smoothly and effectively without conflict or supervision l Team members become interdependent, motivated and knowledgeable and makes decision without supervision. l Supervisors participates with the team in decisions making l Change in leadership may revert to earlier stages
Page 17 Team Work & Team Building Exercise
Page 18 Who Should Survive….game l World War III has just occurred l 10 of you find yourselves to be the only people left on the earth in a bunker. l If 3 of you wish to survive for many years, 7 of you will have to leave soon l If all of you stay, then all will die in 2 years
Page 19 Your Bunker has the following… l Sewage system l Water l Seeds l Some clothes l A few books l Some medical facilities but no operating material l A greenhouse
Page 20 Each person will play one of the following roles…… l A scientist l A religious leader l A married couple l A five year old girl l An army officer l An elderly woman l A disabled person l A lawyer l A doctor
Page 21 You have 15 minutes as a group to…. l Allow each person to speak l Decide whether some will leave and the others stay l Decide who will leave and who will stay l Identify team spokesperson
Page 22 Team Exercise: De-briefing
Page 23 There is no right or wrong answer…. l Purpose of the exercise is: l Team working together l Making decision together l Identifying team leader l Influence of the leader in the decision
Page 24 De-briefing session l Explain the reasons for making the choice l What influenced decision making? l Did anyone emerge as a leader? l Why? l How did this influence the choices?