The Spanish Masters : Early Artists of Spain El Greco Velazquez Goya.


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Presentation transcript:

The Spanish Masters : Early Artists of Spain El Greco Velazquez Goya

El Greco Named for birthplace Studied under High Renaissance painter Titian Influenced also by Tintoretto and Michelangelo His patrons were religious. Most commissions were from the church.

Subject of paintings saints religious scenes portraits one famous landscape

Characteristics: Elongated faces and figures “elongated into flame-like forms” bearded figures with eyes looking up to the sky often painted in contrasting colors – lights and darks used cold, eerie, bluish colors to express intense religious feeling

Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple National Gallery at London.

Saint Jerome as Cardinal oil on canvass Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

St. Louis: King of France approx Musée du Louvre, Paris

Portrait of a Cardinal, oil on canvas The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

Lady with a Fur It is supposed that this is a portrait of Jerónima de las Cuevas, his common-law-wife and the mother of his son. 1580

Self Portrait 1604 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

Portrait of the Artist's Son Jorge Manuel c Oil on canvas Museo Provincial, Seville

Portrait of a Lady , Philadelphia Museum of Art

The Virgin Mary, 1604

Christ Carrying the Cross Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Trinity, , oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid.

The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind, 1575 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

The Disrobing Of Christ 1583, canvass Pinakothec at Munich

Virgin and Child with St. Martina and St. Agnes National Gallery of Art, Washington

The Holy Family 1592

Obras Maestras

El entierro de Conte Orgaz The burial of Count Orgaz (1586 Church of Santo Tome, Toledo, Spain) The lower part portrays a nobleman laid in his grave by Saints Stephen and Augustine. Above that the soul rises to heaven where there are many angels. This part is painted with bright bluish colors, and elongated figures representing their holiness. This work conveys “the awesomeness of great spiritual events with a sense of mystic rapture” as Greco seems to “free his subjects from earthbound restrictions”

The Baptism of Christ 1614 characterized by an “eerie light generated by the holy figures themselves” who are “enveloped by a steamy haze”

The Repentant Peter 1611

Vista del Toledo View of Toledo 1597, MET NYC

Diego Velazquez born in Seville to parents of minor nobility influenced by Flemish and Italian realism apprenticed to Pacheco who introduced him to the court King Phillip IV became his main patron granted knighthood in the “Orden de Santiago” and received “la Cruz Roja”

Subjects members of the court hunting portraits dwarves “common people” around the court some painted in combination with still-life objects religious scenes

Characteristics known as baroque artist style: realism paintings capture the moment seem as if they were a photo did not exaggerate to make subjects look better treated all subjects with dignity regardless of social standing skillful use of light and shadow

Philip IV 1624 Museo Del Prado

Infante Don Carlos 1626 Museo del Prado

Doña Maria de Austria Queen of Hungary 1630

Philip IV in Brown and Silver 1653 Portrait of Philip IV Philip IV Infante Philip Prosper 1660

Venus at her Mirror (The Rokeby Venus) Queen Doña Mariana of Austria Maria Teresa of Spain ("with two watches") Infanta Marguarite Therese c. 1654

The Count-Duke of Olivares on Horseback, 1634 Oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid Queen Isabel of Equestrian Oil on canvas, 301 x 314 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid

Cardinale Infante Ferdinand of Austria as Hunter , Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid Prince Baltasar Carlos as Hunter , oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid

Pablo de Valladolid c. 1635, oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid Juan Martinez Montáñez c Oil on canvas, 109 x 107 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Dwarf Don Juan Calabazas, called Calabacillas c. 1639, Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Dwarf Sebastian de Morra c. 1645, Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid Diego de Acedo (El Primo) 1644, oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid

Prince Baltasar Carlos with a Dwarf 1631 Oil on canvas Museum of Fine Arts Boston

The Needlewoman c. 1640, Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington

Mars, God of War 1640, Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid

Christ on the Cross 1632 Museo del Prado Madrid

The Adoration of the Magi 1619 Museo del Prado, Madrid

Obras Maestras

The Surrender of Breda (Las Lanzas), before 1635 Oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid

Las Meninas Oil on canvas Museo del Prado Madrid

Francisco de Goya named royal painter in 1786 became deaf in 1792 which affected his mood and his art fell out of favor with the court and church born in Zaragoza, Spain both painter and etcher influenced by artist friends Francisco y Ramon Bayeau first commission was for caricatures for tapestries for El Escorial

Subjects royal portraits everyday Spanish life bullfighting follies of humanity, “caprices” witchcraft, mythology (“black paintings”) some religious scenes (early works)

Characteristics Basically realistic ; however, satirical at times and in “dark paintings” there is a surrealistic quality Style included thick bold strokes of dark color punctuated by brilliant yellow and red highlights painted frescoes, oil paintings, tapestries, etchings

The Count of Floridablanca and Goya The Marquesa de Pontejos. c Charles III in Hunting Costume. c Oil on canvas

Girl with a Jug Portrait of the Bullfighter Pedro Romero Dona Isabel de Porcel Portrait of the Artist Julio Asensio The Milkmaid of Bordeaux. c. 1827

Le motin de Esquilache (The Esquilache Riots). c Oil on canvas The Sacrifice to Vesta Oil on canvas

The Holy Family. c Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain. The Miracle of St. Anthony Fresco. Detail of the decoration of the cupola of the Church of San Antonio de la Florida Madrid, Spain

Death of the Picador. 1794, Tin-plate Fight at the Cock Inn Oil on canvas La cometa (The Kite) 1778 Tapestry

A Village Bullfight. c Oil on panel Royal Academy of San Fernando Madrid, Spain. Scene of Bullfight. c Oil on canvas

Summer Oil on canvas The Snowstorm Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

A Prison Scene. c La fragna (The Smithy) c

A Procession of Flagellants. c Oil Royal Academy of San Fernando Madrid, Spain.

Allegory: War or Evil(?) Procession of Monks The Old Woman with a Mirror Two Dancing Old Friends El famoso Americano, Mariano Ceballos 1825

Obras Maestras

The Third of May, 1808: The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid, 1814

The Second of May, 1808 at the Puerta del Sol. 1814

The Colossus. c Oil on canvas Museo del Prado Madrid, Spain. Saturn Devouring One of His Chidren. c