Convention on Biological Diversity Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness - CEPA Wendy Goldstein Graduate School of the Environment Macquarie University, Sydney IUCN CEC Regional Chair Oceania
CBD Article 13 Public education and awareness The contracting Parties shall: Promote and encourage understanding of the importance of, and the measures required for, the conservation of biological diversity, as well as its propagation through media, and the inclusion of these topics in educational programmes; and Cooperate, as appropriate, with other States and international organizations in developing educational and public awareness programmes, with respect to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
Article 13 – tools CEPA supports change management C = Communication, Capacity, Connect E = Education, Empowerment P = Public, Participation A = Awareness, Action
CEPA: Communication Two way exchange of information To gain cooperation of groups in society Listen first, clarify why and how decisions made Instrumental approach – communication with other instruments address economic constraints and motivate action
CEPA: Education Set of processes to inform, motivate, skill and empower people to support biodiversity conservation, by making changes in lifestyle and promoting change in the way business, government and institutions operate
CEPA: Public Awareness Brings biodiversity issues to the attention of key groups who have the power to influence outcomes. Awareness is an agenda setting and marketing exercise helping people to know what and why this is an important issue, the aspirations, and what is and can be done to achieve these
CEPA: Participation Public participation is an approach by governments, organisations and communities around the world to improve their decisions by involving those people who are affected by those decisions
CEPA recognized as important but… Few governments give moral support, funding and human resources Most government decision makers recognize lack of support affects effectiveness Experts CEPA mostly limited to press and media officers – not strategic communication
High spending on communication no guarantee of success Low spending almost always results in low citizen satisfaction
Biodiversity - Citizens want Who is responsible for biodiversity Why decisions are made Services available and future plans How tax money is spent on biodiversity Local biodiversity events How to get in touch – how to complain CBD CEPA toolkit draft
Good government communication Be corporate Ensure focus Be systematic Sharpen the brand Invest in communication with the local people Prioritize internal communication Invest in high quality staff Be ambitious and benchmark against the best CBD CEPA toolkit draft
Stimulating CEPA - CBD Consultative Group - COP 5 Three consultations Work program adopted COP Partners: CBD Secretariat, UNESCO, UNEP, IUCN CEC, Parties
CEPA Work Program Priority program elements: –global CEPA network; –exchange of knowledge and expertise - portal; –capacity-building for CEPA Communication strategy for CBD COP also emphasis on CEPA in NBSAP and themes
IUCN CEC role IUCN CEC research capacity needs - communication capacity building
CBD Communication Training Resource Manual – current project IUCN contracted by CBD to prepare communication kit survey biodiversity focal points, CEPA experts about needs (646/106) Analysis of the demand for support
Most important issues - kit Limited resources Lack of integration in other policies Lack of knowledge of marketing biodiversity ….
Other issues - kit Lack of examples to get started Limited communication and networking skills Limited knowledge about how to –Impact policy makers –CEPA planning, management and evaluation –Link between biodiversity and human welfare –Empower local communities
What are the most important issues for you? Your suggestions would be valued Thank you
What are the important issues for you? Limited resources Lack of integration in other policies Lack of knowledge of marketing biodiversity Lack of examples to get started Limited communication and networking skills Limited knowledge about how to –Impact policy makers –CEPA planning, management and evaluation –Link between biodiversity and human welfare –Empower local communities