Station 1: Foil into a ball 1.Lift one sheet of foil off of the table. Describe how it looks and feels. 2.Have one member of your group roll the foil into a ball. 3.Have another member of your group try to make the ball even smaller. 4.Write down your observations. 5.Have 1 team member throw away your piece of foil and ask Mrs. Craft for a new one.
Station 1: Foil into a ball 1.Lift one sheet of foil off of the table. Describe how it looks and feels. 2.Have one member of your group roll the foil into a ball. 3.Have another member of your group try to make the ball even smaller. 4.Write down your observations. 5.Have 1 team member throw away your piece of foil and ask Mrs. Craft for a new one.
Station 2: H 2 O 2 + NaClO 1.Describe each of these liquids. 2.Measure out 10 mL of H 2 O 2 and pour gently into beaker. 3.Use plastic pipette to extract.5 ML of NaClO. (about half of the pipette) 4.When everyone is ready, squeeze the NaClO into the beaker (do NOT touch pipette to H 2 O 2 or reaction solution) 5.Tell your teacher if you have contaminated the pipette. 6.Write down observations. 7.Gently pour substance into the waste container at your station.
Station 2: H 2 O 2 + NaClO 1.Describe each of these liquids. 2.Measure out 10 mL of H 2 O 2 and pour gently into beaker. 3.Use plastic pipette to extract.5 ML of NaClO. (about half of the pipette) 4.When everyone is ready, squeeze the NaClO into the beaker (do NOT touch pipette to H 2 O 2 or reaction solution) 5.Tell your teacher if you have contaminated the pipette. 6.Write down observations. 7.Gently pour substance into the waste container at your station.
Station 3: NaClO + Bromothymol Blue 1.Measure out 10 mL of NaClO and pour into beaker. 2.Use the dropper bottle to extract a small amount of bromothymol blue. 3.Add bromothymol blue to NaClO one drop at a time. Add 3 – 6 drops. 4.Note the color change (if any). 5.Discard the solution into the waste container at your station.
Station 3: NaClO + Bromothymol Blue 1.Measure out 10 mL of NaClO and pour into beaker. 2.Use the dropper bottle to extract a small amount of bromothymol blue. 3.Add bromothymol blue to NaClO one drop at a time. Add 3 – 6 drops. 4.Note the color change (if any). 5.Discard the solution into the waste container at your station.
Station 4: C 6 H 12 O 6 into H 2 O 1.Add approximately 20 mL of H 2 O into beaker. 2.Measure out 1/2 teaspoon of C 6 H 12 O 6. 3.Pour C 6 H 12 O 6 into H 2 O. 4.Write observations. 5.Stir mixture using the stirring stick. Record how long (seconds) it takes to dissolve completely. 6.Pour waste into waste container at station.
Station 4: C 6 H 12 O 6 into H 2 O 1.Add approximately 20 mL of H 2 O into beaker. 2.Measure out 1/2 teaspoon of C 6 H 12 O 6. 3.Pour C 6 H 12 O 6 into H 2 O. 4.Write observations. 5.Stir mixture using the stirring stick. Record how long (seconds) it takes to dissolve completely. 6.Pour waste into waste container at station.
Station 5: CH 3 COOH + NaHCO 3 1.Measure out 1 teaspoon of NaHCO 3 and pour into small container provided. 2.Measure out approximately 20 mL of CH 3 COOH and pour into beaker. Remember to close lid of bottle before moving on. 3.Pour into beaker. Record observations. 4.Pour waste into waste container at station.
Station 5: CH 3 COOH + NaHCO 3 1.Measure out 1 teaspoon of NaHCO 3 and pour into small container provided. 2.Measure out approximately 20 mL of CH 3 COOH and pour into beaker. Remember to close lid of bottle before moving on. 3.Pour into beaker. Record observations. 4.Pour waste into waste container at station.
Station 6: CH 3 COOH + Bromothymol Blue 1.Measure out 10 mL of CH 3 COOH and pour into beaker. 2.Use pipette to extract a small amount of bromothymol blue. 3.Add bromothymol blue to CH 3 COOH drop by drop. Add 3 – 6 drops total. 4.Note the color change (if any). 5.Discard the solution into the waste container at your station.
Station 6: CH 3 COOH + Bromothymol Blue 1.Measure out 10 mL of CH 3 COOH and pour into beaker. 2.Use pipette to extract a small amount of bromothymol blue. 3.Add bromothymol blue to CH 3 COOH drop by drop. Add 3 – 6 drops total. 4.Note the color change (if any). 5.Discard the solution into the waste container at your station.
Station 7: milk, food coloring, soap 1.Measure out 20 mL of milk. 2.Pour milk into dish provided. 3.Add between 4 and 9 drops of food coloring any color. 4.Carefully add 1 drop of dish soap. 5.Write down your observations. 6.Send one person to the sink to rinse the dish and dry it for the next team.
Station 7: milk, food coloring, soap 1.Measure out 20 mL of milk. 2.Pour milk into dish provided. 3.Add between 4 and 9 drops of food coloring any color. 4.Carefully add 1 drop of dish soap. 5.Write down your observations. 6.Send one person to the sink to rinse the dish and dry it for the next team.
Station 8: Sharpening a pencil 1.Take an unsharpened pencil from the tray. 2.Write down your observations. 3.Have one person sharpen the pencil with a hand sharpener. 4.Look closely at the pencil and shavings. 5.Write down your observations. Ps: thanks for sharpening these pencils for me!
Station 8: Sharpening a pencil 1.Take an unsharpened pencil from the tray. 2.Write down your observations. 3.Have one person sharpen the pencil with a hand sharpener. 4.Look closely at the pencil and shavings. 5.Write down your observations. Ps: thanks for sharpening these pencils for me!
Station 9: Video: Vinegar and egg 1.Watch the video 2.Write down your observations 3.Set the video back to the start for the next team.
Station 9: Video: Vinegar and egg 1.Watch the video 2.Write down your observations 3.Set the video back to the start for the next team.