Mrs. Cerrito’s English Class Robert Moses Middle School North Babylon UFSD Class rules Homework Policy Grades 7 and 8 ELA’s Web Fun to Sharpen Skills Grading Policy
Class Rules You must be seated when the bell rings and have all your supplies with you. You will receive a zero for the day if you are unprepared. A zero is a point off your quarterly average. Your supplies include your English binder, agenda and pens. You must raise your hand and be called upon if you wish to speak or leave your seat. Please be respectful of the property of others. Do not touch anything that is not yours. Homework must be completed and brought to class. If you do not have your homework, you will receive a zero. A zero is a point off your quarterly average. If all homework assignments are complete, two points will be added to your quarterly average. You are responsible for all work missed when absent. Please see the teacher, not other students, for the assignments. Tests and assignments must be made up within one week of your return to school. You may leave the classroom (to go to the nurse, bathroom, locker, etc.) three times per quarter. Please bring a note from your parent or doctor if this is a problem for you. Please treat others with the same respect and kindness with which you want to be treated. Home Page
Homework Policy The purpose of homework is dualfold. First, it allows the teacher to see how the class and specific students are grasping material. Second, it allows the student to see if he/she has a solid understanding of the material. Homework is due in class on the date assigned. Each missing homework assignment causes students to lose a point off their quarterly average. If all homework assignments are handed in, students will receive two points as a bonus on their quarterly average. Homework is assigned three to four times per week. This can include written assignments, reading and studying for tests. Homework is generally not assigned on weekends and school holidays. I feel that students need time with their families and to relax. Homework assignments should generally take no more than ½ hour per assignment. Homework assigned while student is absent from school must be made up within one week of student’s return to school. Home Page
Grades 7 and 8 ELA The ELA will be administered in April It is very important for your child to do his/her best on the ELA, as students must receive remediation if they do not do well. Click on this link to see the New York State Standards for English New York State Learning Standards for English Language Arts New York State Learning Standards for English Language Arts Click on these links to see a sample of the grade ELA th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Listening Selection th Grade ELA - Listening Selection2009 7th Grade ELA - Listening Selection Click on these links to see a sample of the grade ELA th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Book th Grade ELA - Listening Selection th Grade ELA - Listening Selection Home Page
Here are some websites you can visit to play games and sharpen your language arts skills at the same time!! Language Arts Games on Gamequarium Language Arts Games on Gamequarium Language Arts Games on Gamequarium Vocabulary, Free Word Puzzles and Activities Vocabulary, Free Word Puzzles and Activities Vocabulary, Free Word Puzzles and Activities - Kids Center - Kids Center - Kids Center Language Arts Games# Language Arts Games# Language Arts Games# Home Page
Grading Policy 1. Tests are worth approximately 1/10 of the quarterly average 2. Writing assignments are worth approximately 1/5 of the quarterly average 3. Quizzes are worth approximately 1/20 of the quarterly average 4. Homework is worth approximately 1/10 of the quarterly average (so if a student misses a homework, they lose approximately 1 point off their quarterly average) 5. If all homework assignments are completed and handed in on time, a bonus of two points is added to the quarterly average