How to Succeed in Mrs. Boyle’s Class
What should I bring to class each and every day?? You need your science text, some NON mechanical pencils, a simple calculator, your science folder, your science packet (when supplied), a spiral notebook and a novel for reading.
When Can I sharpen my pencil?? Sharpen your pencil before class starts or during a transition time NOT when Mrs. Boyle is direct teaching.
What about turning work in?? If Mrs. Boyle does not collect your work or ask for your table leader to collect your work, you need to put it in the hand in box on her desk. No other place!
What if I am absent?? First, ask someone at your table group. Then, double check by looking at the week’s agenda on the board. Look for any necessary worksheets in the book shelf. You have one day for every day excused absent to make up work. If you miss a lab, you need to do the Section Review questions that apply to that lab concept in your book. All of them and in complete sentences.
What if I need to blow my nose?? First, remember that the school kleenex is very scratchy. Try to bring some from home for our class to use throughout the year. After you blow your nose, throw your tissue away and wash your hands in one of the sinks with soap.
How do I get graded papers back?? Mrs. Boyle has a shelf marked for each hour she teaches. If you are one of the first ones in the room, feel free to pass back papers in the pass back box.
What if I do not have my paper done on time?? First, let me just say that you are cheating yourself by not having work done on time, as we generally go over it in class. So you are missing an important part of the learning process by not being prepared. Would you go to your game without your helmet?? Would you go to your band concert without your instrument?? Being prepared is a key component of any successful student. If you are late I will accept your work for the remainder of that chapter for half credit. After that it is a zero.
What if I need to leave the room?? Leaving the classroom for any non- emergency purpose is not recommended. You will have a notecard for my class and you will have five passes on this per trimester. Use them wisely.
What if I think I turned my work in but it is not recorded in the online grading program? First, this is a new program and I will need some time to add papers. I do not add grades every day. If you see that you have a zero or missing when you believe you turned something in, check the no-names clipped to board. Then, if you find it, write your name 20x on the paper and turn it in to the hand-in box. Otherwise, check your folder. I do not take work home so if you turned something in, it is somewhere in the room.
How does Mrs. Boyle determine seating arrangements and how often does it change?? I change seats for each chapter. I arrange seats in a variety of ways and you will most likely end up sitting by everyone in your class by the end of the year. For classes who are very well behaved, I allow them to choose their seats the last week of each trimester.
What if I need extra help?? I will be keeping open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:20-7:40 for you to stop by and get help. Ask if you need a pass.
What is the most important thing to remember about 8 th grade Science?? Enjoy science. Observe the world around you and utilize patience and logic to solve problems. Take risks and work with others to find out the inner complexities of every day experiences.