Brownfields Redevelopment in Ontario, Canada: Two Case Studies Steven Rose Malroz Engineering Inc. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting Athens, June 4-7, 2006
2 Brownfields Redevelopment in Ontario Evolution of Ontario Regulations Evolution of Ontario Regulations 1989 Decommissioning Guidelines (limited) 1989 Decommissioning Guidelines (limited) 1996 Contaminated Sites Guidelines 1996 Contaminated Sites Guidelines 2004 Brownfields Regulation 2004 Brownfields Regulation Two Case Studies Two Case Studies Risk Assessment in Shallow Soils Risk Assessment in Shallow Soils Completing a Record of Site Condition Completing a Record of Site Condition Brownfields Development Initiatives Brownfields Development Initiatives City of Kingston REAP Program City of Kingston REAP Program S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
3 Development of Ontario Regulations 1996 Guidelines 1996 Guidelines multiple land use criteria multiple land use criteria expanded list of parameters expanded list of parameters guidance on sampling protocols guidance on sampling protocols Site Specific Risk Assessments Site Specific Risk Assessments S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
4 Development of Ontario Regulations 2004 Regulations 2004 Regulations numerically similar to 1996 guidelines numerically similar to 1996 guidelines harmonization with Federal criteria harmonization with Federal criteria definition of “Qualified Person” definition of “Qualified Person” guidelines become standards guidelines become standards public site condition record public site condition record S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
5 Images from: Google Earth Case Studies
6 Case Study 1: Former Canning Plant Town of Deseronto, Town of Deseronto, pop. ~ 2,000 vacant food processing facility vacant food processing facility located on downtown waterfront located on downtown waterfront thin soil veneer over bedrock thin soil veneer over bedrock clean-up clean-up S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 Source:
7 Case Study 1: Former Canning Plant 4 hectares, 2 parcels 4 hectares, 2 parcels potentially sensitive site potentially sensitive site waterfront waterfront limited soil depth limited soil depth Contaminants of Concern Contaminants of Concern 7 metals 7 metals 6 PAHs 6 PAHs clean-up to 1996 guidelines clean-up to 1996 guidelines S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 Main St. Mill St. Water St.
8 Case Study 1: Former Canning Plant Goal Goal repurpose property for commercial/residential use repurpose property for commercial/residential use Challenges Challenges sensitive site (surface water & shallow soil) sensitive site (surface water & shallow soil) 1996 guidelines allowed 2 clean-up strategies: 1996 guidelines allowed 2 clean-up strategies: background background Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) Solution Solution modified SSRA approach modified SSRA approach measure on-site soil and groundwater contamination measure on-site soil and groundwater contamination evaluate leachable contaminant levels in soil evaluate leachable contaminant levels in soil develop site specific criteria for protection of aquatic receptor species. develop site specific criteria for protection of aquatic receptor species. S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
9 Case Study 1: Former Canning Plant S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 May, 2006
10 Case Study 1: Former Canning Plant S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 May, 2006
11 Case Study 2: Carwash Redevelopment City of Kingston City of Kingston pop. ~120,000 mixed industrial/residential neighbourhood mixed industrial/residential neighbourhood 0.7 hectare site 0.7 hectare site site clean-up site clean-up S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 Source:
12 Case Study 2: Carwash Redevelopment S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
13 Case Study 2: mixed land uses on neighbouring properties mixed land uses on neighbouring properties uncertain soil conditions uncertain soil conditions adjacent to former scrap steel & battery recycling facility adjacent to former scrap steel & battery recycling facility Photo: courtesy of City of Kingston
14 Case Study 2: waste ash materials encountered waste ash materials encountered elevated metals concentrations elevated metals concentrations concerns about PCBs concerns about PCBs remediation accomplished by off-site soil removal remediation accomplished by off-site soil removal S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 Photo: Courtesy of MOE
15 Case Study 2: Record of Site Condition S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
16 Case Study 2: Former Carwash & Vacant Site S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
17 Case Study 2: Former Carwash & Vacant Site S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
19 Case Study 2: Carwash Redevelopment S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 May, 2006 Sept., 2004
20 City of Kingston REAP Program Brownfields Brownfields Redevelopment Program Community Community Improvement Plan Provincial Provincial Incentive Program S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
21 Kingston REAP Program Designated C.I.P. Designated C.I.P. Total area >201 ha. Total area >201 ha. (497.2 acres) 529 properties 529 properties Old Industrial Area Old Industrial Area Inner Harbour Inner Harbour Commercial Core Commercial Core S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
22 Kingston REAP Program Incentives: Incentives: Initial Study Grant Initial Study Grant Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP) Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP) Tax Increment-Based Rehabilitation Grant Program (TIRGP) Tax Increment-Based Rehabilitation Grant Program (TIRGP) Partners: Partners: Province - enabling laws City of Kingston - strategic plan for incentives Development Sector - technical expertise and investment capital S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
23 Kingston REAP Program Incentives: Incentives: Initial Study Grant Initial Study Grant 50 % grant for costs 50 % grant for costs $10,000 (max.) $10,000 (max.) used for Environmental Assessments used for Environmental Assessments S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
24 Kingston REAP Program Incentives: Incentives: Initial Study Grant Initial Study Grant Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP) Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP) applicable during remediation & development applicable during remediation & development exemption from property taxes (municipal & education taxes) exemption from property taxes (municipal & education taxes) Development Charges & Impost Fees - deferred Development Charges & Impost Fees - deferred 3 yr tax holiday (max.) 3 yr tax holiday (max.) S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
25 Kingston REAP Program Incentives: Incentives: Initial Study Grant Initial Study Grant Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP) Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP) Tax Increment-Based Rehabilitation Grant Program (TIRGP) Tax Increment-Based Rehabilitation Grant Program (TIRGP) applicable at start of occupancy applicable at start of occupancy 80 % of tax increase -> repays remediation costs 80 % of tax increase -> repays remediation costs 20 % of tax increase -> retained for Municipal Brownfield Fund 20 % of tax increase -> retained for Municipal Brownfield Fund Development Charges & Impost Fees –> can be waived Development Charges & Impost Fees –> can be waived 10 yr period (max.) 10 yr period (max.) S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
26 Kingston REAP Program S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006 Cost Time pre-development tax level post-development tax level (Environmental Protection Act) Initial Grants CIP (Municipal Act) BFTIPTIRGP Application Phase Rehab./ Develop. Period 3 years10 years Occupancy Period 20 % to Municipal Brownfield Reserve Fund 80 % to Property Owner Planning & Dev’t. Grant Rehabilitation Grant Effective Tax Cost
27 Brownfields Redevelopment in Ontario Summary Key regulatory milestones in 1996 & 2004 Key regulatory milestones in 1996 & 2004 flexibility with remediation methods flexibility with remediation methods Record of Site Condition (2004) Record of Site Condition (2004) public register of environmental conditions public register of environmental conditions City of Kingston experience City of Kingston experience successful partnering with industry and government successful partnering with industry and government S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006
28 Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements: City of Kingston, Brownfields Dept. (J. Davis) City of Kingston, Brownfields Dept. (J. Davis) Home Base Housing Home Base Housing Town of Deseronto Town of Deseronto Information Sources: Information Sources: Ontario Ministry of the Environment Ontario Ministry of the Environment Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Ontario Ministry of Finance Ontario Ministry of Finance City of Kingston City of Kingston Contact: Contact: Steven Rose Steven Rose S. Rose, Malroz Engineering Inc., NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, 2006