Mold Cleanup for Day Care Providers in Storm Stricken Areas Todd R. Crawford New York State Department of Health
Why Are We Talking About Mold? Visible Contamination – Mold is easy to see and smell. – Most people recognize mold. Visible Health Effects – Mold can cause coughing and sneezing. – So, are coughs and sneezes always caused by mold? Mold is not regulated like a chemical – We are normally exposed to mold every day.
How does mold grow? Mold grows at room temperature. Mold needs air, food and water to grow. – Air is always available for mold growth. Mold grows on things that were alive. – Mold grows on wood, paper, ceiling tiles, etc. Mold grows when things are wet. – Some types of mold prefer slightly damp surfaces, while other types may prefer very wet places.
Wetting and Drying Pools of water and drips can be drained or mopped off of surfaces. Damp or moist surfaces may be dried with fans blowing fresh air over the surfaces. – Fans should blow fresh air towards the wet surface and blow damp air away from the surface. – Keep the area warm, if possible. – Drying with fans can take several days.
Cleaning Wash solid surfaces with soap and water. Keep the surface damp when cleaning to help control dust and mold in the air. Protect yourself – Cover your skin – wear gloves, long sleeves, long pants, shoes (no open toes) – Protect your eyes – wear goggles, or glasses and a cap – Protect your lungs – wear a mask such as N95
What can be cleaned? Clean it if it is solid and not rotten. Solid surfaces, like plastic, metal, concrete, wood. Solid surfaces, like floors, counters, cabinets. Clean with soap and water. Rinse with clean water. Allow it to dry.
Professional Cleaning Services Consider using professional cleaning services if you cannot clean it yourself. Consider using professional cleaning services for carpets and upholstery (couches, chairs). Consider dry cleaning fabrics that can’t be cleaned with soap and water (curtains). See EPA webpage for information on duct cleaning –
Green Cleaning Products Searchable list for: – Cleaning Products – Floor Finish Products – Floor Finish Stripper Products – Hand Soaps – Vacuum Cleaners
Disinfection Schedule regular disinfection of surfaces in areas that are often wet, like bathrooms and toilets. Use disinfection products according to label instructions. Dilute bleach with water to avoid irritating skin and sinuses.
Is it safe? What would Grandma say? Is there visible contamination? Are there odors? Is it clean and dry? Testing and analysis is not recommended, is very expensive, and the data is usually difficult to interpret.
Who will inspect? Most inspections look at general conditions and check for compliance with regulations. NY licensed day cares are subject to inspection by the regional licensing/registration office. Request more information from your licensing office. Buildings may be inspected by local code enforcement officials.
Guidance EPA Sandy – NYCDOHMH – Hurricane Sandy – shtml Red Cross – Repairing Your Flooded Home – gency_planning/Repairing%20Your%20Flooded%2 0Home%20Red%20Cross.pdf