1 Fort Monroe: An Update on the Environmental Cleanup VDEQ Presentation to the Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority March 19, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Fort Monroe: An Update on the Environmental Cleanup VDEQ Presentation to the Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority March 19, 2009

2 Conventional Environmental Sites to be Investigated  Final Site Inspection (SI) Report currently under VDEQ review  Historic aerial photographs facilitated supplemental SI sampling  Supplemental SI sampling to be conducted Spring 2009 at 15 sites to determine if either No Further Action or some additional investigation is warranted

3 Conventional Environmental Sites to be Investigated  Dog Beach Landfill and Moat will be addressed via a Remedial Investigation (RI)  Removal or Remedial Action may be needed at 2 – 3 sites to mitigate risk  4 sites being evaluated further for Ecological Risk only

4 Dog Beach Landfill  Possible landfill cap/cover system  Contours of landfill design  Public access and use in Parks and Recreation Area  Landfill Post-Closure Care and Maintenance  Geophysical Investigation of possible munitions to coincide with Remedial Investigation

5 Munitions (MEC) Sites to be Investigated  Munitions Remedial Investigation (RI) contract awarded in October 2008 to EA Engineering, Science and Technology  Draft Munitions RI Work Plan generated November 2008  Comments provided by stakeholders in December 2008  Geophysical investigations will be conducted at 13 Munitions Response Areas (MRA) in Spring/Summer The off-shore Chesapeake Bay Target MRA investigation has been deferred  Site walk of the Mill Creek emergent wetlands islands is scheduled Spring 2009

6 Munitions (MEC) – Technical Topics  Issue: The amount of Munitions digital geophysical mapping (DGM) required for reuse  FMFADA technical support (Matrix) goal is 100% DGM of all accessible areas to support cleanup and future use  Ft. Monroe maintains that the RI requirement is to only characterize the Munitions contamination; not all accessible areas. Enhanced RI to be developed to address this concern, and to validate historically collected information & mapping  VDEQ awaiting submittal of Enhanced RI components for evaluation purposes

7 Munitions (MEC) – Technical Topics  Issue: Depth of water to investigate possible Munitions in Chesapeake Bay Near-Shore Area (Northern Section)  VDEQ and FMFADA technical support (Matrix) maintain that current & future use via swimmers & waders needs to be addressed  Ft. Monroe & US Army recognize that current & future use via swimmers & waders need to be addressed, to a proposed depth of 3 feet of water

8 Base-wide Issues  Stormwater Outfalls  Aboveground & Underground Storage Tanks  Lead-Based Paint  Pesticides & PCBs  Munitions (MEC)

9 U. S. Army Schedule for Future Work  Conventional & MEC Environmental Sites In June 2008, a discussion of cleanup priorities began. Assumptions being recreational areas are the highest priority in the environmental cleanup sequence RI/FS work scheduled in 2009 and Proposed Plan and Record of Decision projected in 2010 DoDs goal is to have all cleanup work completed in 2011

10 Conclusion  Questions or Comments?