1 Fort Monroe: An Update on the Environmental Cleanup VDEQ Presentation to the Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority March 19, 2009
2 Conventional Environmental Sites to be Investigated Final Site Inspection (SI) Report currently under VDEQ review Historic aerial photographs facilitated supplemental SI sampling Supplemental SI sampling to be conducted Spring 2009 at 15 sites to determine if either No Further Action or some additional investigation is warranted
3 Conventional Environmental Sites to be Investigated Dog Beach Landfill and Moat will be addressed via a Remedial Investigation (RI) Removal or Remedial Action may be needed at 2 – 3 sites to mitigate risk 4 sites being evaluated further for Ecological Risk only
4 Dog Beach Landfill Possible landfill cap/cover system Contours of landfill design Public access and use in Parks and Recreation Area Landfill Post-Closure Care and Maintenance Geophysical Investigation of possible munitions to coincide with Remedial Investigation
5 Munitions (MEC) Sites to be Investigated Munitions Remedial Investigation (RI) contract awarded in October 2008 to EA Engineering, Science and Technology Draft Munitions RI Work Plan generated November 2008 Comments provided by stakeholders in December 2008 Geophysical investigations will be conducted at 13 Munitions Response Areas (MRA) in Spring/Summer The off-shore Chesapeake Bay Target MRA investigation has been deferred Site walk of the Mill Creek emergent wetlands islands is scheduled Spring 2009
6 Munitions (MEC) – Technical Topics Issue: The amount of Munitions digital geophysical mapping (DGM) required for reuse FMFADA technical support (Matrix) goal is 100% DGM of all accessible areas to support cleanup and future use Ft. Monroe maintains that the RI requirement is to only characterize the Munitions contamination; not all accessible areas. Enhanced RI to be developed to address this concern, and to validate historically collected information & mapping VDEQ awaiting submittal of Enhanced RI components for evaluation purposes
7 Munitions (MEC) – Technical Topics Issue: Depth of water to investigate possible Munitions in Chesapeake Bay Near-Shore Area (Northern Section) VDEQ and FMFADA technical support (Matrix) maintain that current & future use via swimmers & waders needs to be addressed Ft. Monroe & US Army recognize that current & future use via swimmers & waders need to be addressed, to a proposed depth of 3 feet of water
8 Base-wide Issues Stormwater Outfalls Aboveground & Underground Storage Tanks Lead-Based Paint Pesticides & PCBs Munitions (MEC)
9 U. S. Army Schedule for Future Work Conventional & MEC Environmental Sites In June 2008, a discussion of cleanup priorities began. Assumptions being recreational areas are the highest priority in the environmental cleanup sequence RI/FS work scheduled in 2009 and Proposed Plan and Record of Decision projected in 2010 DoDs goal is to have all cleanup work completed in 2011
10 Conclusion Questions or Comments?