Tulsa Fuel & Manufacturing Superfund Site Proposed Plan for Site Cleanup
Site Location Located 1.3 miles south of downtown Collinsville 60 acres Bounded by: –Garnett/RR to east –Strip mine pit to south –Acreage to west –Faith Assembly Church to north
Site History : Active Zinc Smelter and Lead Roaster 1999: Listed on the National Priority List (NPL) 2008: Record of Decision (ROD) issued February 2, 2015: Proposed Plan announced
Areas that Require Cleanup Pink - areas that require cleanup Green - areas that do not require cleanup COCs include arsenic, cadmium, and lead
Proposed Plan for Cleanup Consolidation and capping of soil, sediment, and waste materials on-site Remedy will not include: 1.Five-foot vertical separation between waste and groundwater 2.Stabilization of waste Proposed Plan remedy offers equivalent protection
Cleanup Goals Site-Specific PRGs by Medium COCSite-Specific PRG Soil, Residential (mg/kg) or (ppm) Arsenic37 Cadmium75 Lead500 Soil, Nonresidential (mg/kg) or (ppm) Arsenic200 Cadmium560 Lead1,000 Surface Water (μg/L) or (ppb) Cadmium238 Sediment (mg/kg) or (ppm) Arsenic 181 Cadmium813 Lead500 Protect human health and the environment Impacts above cleanup goals and visual smelter waste will be addressed
Site Design
Site Design Stormwater Management
Tentative Schedule Procurement of a Contractor – 30 to 60 days Pre-Construction Tasks – 45 days From Mobilization to Substantial Completion of On-site Activities – 10 months
Activities during that 10 month period Site Mobilization Clear and Grub Soil and Sediment Erosion Control Decontamination Area Dewatering the Ponds Waste, Soil, and Sediment Consolidation Confirmation Sampling Remove Existing Wells/Install O&M Wells Site Grading and Seeding Demobilization
Protective Elements Health & Safety Plan Transportation Plan Decontamination Plan Dust Suppression Plan Site Management Plan Stormwater Management Plan
Site at Completion
Perimeter Sign
Operation and Maintenance
Locations to review site documents: Collinsville Public Library Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Central Records Division aFuels.htmhttp:// aFuels.htm United States Environmental Protection Agency
Your input on the Proposed Plan is important to us Ways to Comment on the Proposed Plan: Orally at tonight’s meeting By Letter to: ODEQ, Rachel Hanigan, 707 N. Robinson, P.O. Box 1677, Oklahoma City, OK By to: or Comments must be postmarked or ed by Monday, March 2, 2015.
Questions or Comments?