1 Incentives & Tools for the Redevelopment of Brownfields MT Economic Developers Association June 10, 2010 Mark Walker Community Brownfields Foundation Ted Lanzano EPA Region 8 Amy Steinmetz Montana Department of Environmental Quality Melissa Hartman Miles City Housing Authority
2 What is a Brownfield? Any Site where the perception of environmental issues (real or not) hinders the redevelopment of the site.
3 Types of Brownfields Greenhouse Schoolhouse
4 Types of Brownfields Roundhouse Meth House
5 Types of Brownfields Power House My House!
6 Types of Brownfields Drycleaner Mine Scarred Land
7 Types of Brownfields? …..Landfills
8 Why Do We Have Brownfields? Superfund and Chain of Title Joint & Several Fear of the Unknown Cost of Cleanup? Managing Liability Associated with Contamination Brownfields Statute is a Roadmap
9 So, Why Do Brownfield Redevelopment? Positive impact to the Tax Base. Elimination of blight and adjunct effects. Shovel-Ready Sites! Improving Public Health and the Environment
10 Case Study #1 Small Town Garage Brownfield
11 Does it Pay?
12 Case Study #2 Gas Station to Small Office Building Before After
13 Tax Base Impact from Brownfield Cleanup Annual Economic Impact Summary Direct Impacts Only* Current Use Former Use Change due to New Annual Tax Revenue Westminster Real Property Tax Revenue$1,900$200$1,700 Westminster Personal Property Tax Revenue$500$0$500 Westminster Sales Tax Revenue$12,200$0$12,200 Total City Tax Revenues$14,600$200$14,400 Adams County Real Property Tax Revenue$14,100$1,500$12,600 Adams County Personal Property Tax Revenue$3,500$0$3,500 Adams County Sales Tax Revenue$2,400$0$2,400 Total County Tax Revenues$20,000$1,500$18,500 School District 50 Real Property Tax Revenue$28,300$2,900$25,400 School District 50 Personal Property Tax Revenue$7,100$0$7,100 Total School District Revenues$35,400$0$35,400 Business Operations Impacts Employment**320 Average Wages$33,900$0$33,900 Total Employee Earnings$1,084,800$0$1,084,800 One-Time Impacts Building Construction$1,400,000- Environmental Services and Cleanup Over Three Years$526,000- Total New Investment$1,926,000-
Turning Eyesores into Assets An Introduction to Brownfields Tools EPA Region 8 - Serving communities in ND, SD, MT, UT, WY, CO & 27 Tribal Nations Montana Economic Developers Association Miles City, Montana June 10, 2010 Ted Lanzano Brownfields Project Manager EPA, Region 8
15 Typical Brownfields Challenges Examples: Abandoned gas & service stations Idle factories & warehouses Dump sites, scrap yards & machine shops Lands impacted by mining (tails, slag, adits, etc.) Illegal drug labs (e.g. meth labs) Sick buildings (lead paint/asbestos)
16 EPA Brownfields Program Created to help address +/-500,000 underutilized potentially contaminated “brownfields” properties nationwide Grants and technical assistance to support community revitalization through assessment, cleanup and job training grants and technical assistance.
17 What EPA Grants Can and Can’t Do Available to governments, non-profits, redevelopment authorities. Loans also available to private developers. Can fund public outreach, site inventories/assessments and environmental cleanups Cannot be used for non-environmental site prep or vertical build Funds cannot be spent on Superfund sites and property owned by the federal government
18 Assessment Grants To inventory, characterize, and assess brownfield properties; to conduct planning, outreach and community involvement; and/or to prepare cleanup plans. Community-wide or site specific (single site) $200,000 available for hazardous substance contamination $200,000 available for petroleum contamination Coalitions of three or more eligible entities can receive up to $1 million No-cost share required Assessment funding helped the City of Evanston, Wyoming, redevelop its historic Roundhouse Complex into premier event space. Then… Now
19 Cleanup Grants To carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites Up to $200K per property Cost share requirement of 20% Must own the property when you apply Non-profits may apply Then… Now Peanut Mine Cleanup: Crested Butte, CO
20 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants To make low interest loans to carry out cleanup activities at brownfields properties. Up to $1M per eligible entity or up to $3M for coaltions. Supplemental funds available annually Cost share requirement of 20% RLF Loan for cleanup of the Sawmill property in downtown Missoula, MT Then… Now
21 Montana RLF Grantees Great Falls Development Authority Northern Rocky Mountain RC&D Coalition Members: Snowy Mountain Development Corporation (SMDC), and Montana Business Association Connection (MBAC) The City of Missoula Great Northern Development Corporation Coalition Members: Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation, Southeastern Montana Development Corporation, and the Fort Peck Tribes
Grant Schedule July 2010 – On-line grant writing workshop August Guidelines available October 2010 – Proposals due March 2011 – Announcements made May – June 2011 – Awards made
23 (Non-grant Assistance) Typical assistance consists of Phase I and II assessments and cleanup planning Ongoing application process Easy on-line application! TBAs conducted by EPA environmental consultants Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBAs) TBA of former Community Center in Mountain, ND
24 Job Training Grants Grants to provide environmental skills for residents of communities affected by brownfields Colleges, universities, non- profit training centers, cities, states, among others, are eligible Max funding is $200,000 Brownfields Job Training Program Salt Lake Community College August 2006
25 Other Federal Resources for Brownfields Projects HUDHUD DOTDOT EDAEDA Army Corps of EngineersArmy Corps of Engineers USDAUSDA Brownfields Federal Programs Guide:Brownfields Federal Programs Guide:
26 Who Do I Contact with Questions? Ted Lanzano - EPA Region Amy Steinmetz - Montana Department of Environmental Quality (406) Mark Walker – Community Brownfields Foundation (303)
DEQ Brownfields Program Amy Steinmetz Petroleum Brownfields Coordinator Department of Environmental Quality Remediation Division PO Box Helena, MT (406)
28 Brownfields Programs Within DEQ Site Response Section Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)/Brownfields Section Hazardous Waste Section
29 DEQ’s Brownfield Roles Public Record of Sites Inventory of Potential Brownfield Sites Respond to Information Requests Assessment/Cleanup Oversight Site Specific Work if Funding is Available Cleanup Verification/No Further Corrective Action
30 Site Response Section Hazardous Substances (State Superfund) Voluntary Cleanup and Redevelopment Act Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCP) Eliminate Impediments to Sale or Redevelopment Minimize Administrative Processes and Costs
31 Petroleum Brownfields Petroleum Release Sites, Underground Storage Tank Sites Petroleum Brownfields Eligibility Determinations Petroleum Brownfields Guidance/ Eligibility Determination Form: grams.mcpx (link at bottom of page) grams.mcpx Corrective Action Plan/Report Reviews
32 Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste Generator Sites Asbestos Control Program Permit Required Meth Cleanup Program (MCP) MCP reviews assessment and remediation reports to determine if a site can be removed from the Meth Labs List on DEQ’s website
33 Former Auto Service Center, Great Falls—Vacant for 10 Years
34 Cleanup Phase Using Brownfields Revolving Loan Funds
35 September 1, 2010
36 DEQ Brownfields Contacts Hazardous Waste Section Site Response Section Becky Holmes Jason Seyler (406) (406) LUST/Brownfields Section Amy Steinmetz (406) DEQ’s Brownfields Website: