Data Cleansing in Your MMIS Or… From “Garbage In – Garbage Out” To Valuable, Actionable Information
Presenters John G. Hayes, Director of Materials Management, Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center John P. Walsh, Information Systems Coordinator, Caritas Christi Health Care Eric D. Berger, Director of Materials Management, Northeast Health System
Agenda Facility Background Why Cleanse Your Data? Who Benefits from Cleansed Data? What Gets Cleansed? Who Can Help Me? Obstacles to Moving Forward Our Stories So It’s Clean…Now What? Questions
Facility Background Caritas Christi Health Care System – 6 hospital system Caritas Holy Family (Methuen) Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center (Boston) Caritas Carney Hospital (Dorchester) Caritas Norwood Hospital (Norwood) Caritas Good Samaritan Medical Center (Brockton) St. Anne’s Hospital (Fall River) – 1552 total beds – Meditech for MMIS
Facility Background Brockton Hospital – Standalone community hospital – 268 total beds – Meditech for MMIS
Why Cleanse Your Data? Who is impacted by bad data? Improve data quality to allow… Why do it?
Who is Impacted by Bad Data? End users/customers Purchasing staff Contracting staff Vendor Receiving Accounts Payable Decision Support Patient Billing GPO IDN
Improve Data Quality to Allow… End users – to requisition the right items Purchasing – to order the right items Contracting – to quickly determine the impact of new contracts Vendors – to process orders without dubious data Receiving –to receive the right item in the correct Unit of Measure
Improve Data Quality to Allow… AP/Vendor AR – more accurate invoicing with less reconciliation Decision Support – to more easily answer the question “Is this procedure profitable?” Patient Billing – to know the supply cost before mark-up GPO – volume purchase data and rebate tracking IDN – item standardization and usage aggregation
Why Do It? To streamline EDI transactions Provide pricing validation Maximize Tier pricing and contract qualification Access contracts quicker IDN vs. individual hospital pricing
Why Do It? Level the field with vendors Audit rebates given by manufacturers Improve accuracy/timeliness of patient billing Reduce manual processing of transactions Provides confidence and credibility
What Files Get Cleansed? Item Master file Vendor Master file Manufacturer file Category file Contract file
What Drove Us to Cleanse? Duplicate items in the system Duplicate vendors Innumerable duplicate and unrecognizable manufacturers Pricing information that was not current Multiple prices by hospital for the same item Obsolete items in the database
What Drove Us to Cleanse? Packaging strings that were not consistent with manufacturer strings Vendor and manufacturer catalog numbers were either missing or incorrect Expense object codes and item categories were either missing, incorrect or inconsistent with the actual items
What Drove Us to Cleanse? Descriptions or naming conventions were not consistent and items were often misnamed End users had a difficult time locating items in the databases or identifying what the items were from the information that we had in the database Communications of changes to the end users were limited
What Fields Get Cleansed? Item Descriptions Vendors Vendor Catalog Numbers Manufacturers Manufacturer Catalog Numbers Packaging Strings Expense Object Codes Item Categories
Is it a Matter of “Why” or “Why Not”?
Who Can Help Me? GHX/Neoforma Cardinal Health CapGemini ECRI Internal Resources
Obstacles to Moving Forward Cost Benefit – soft vs. hard dollar savings Scope of work Availability of internal resources Ability to get the clean information back into your system
Our Stories…
Caritas Christi Health Care System What standards to use? – IDN: Caritas Christi Health Care System – Resources needed to keep data current and clean
Caritas Christi Health Care System Pre-2003 – 6 hospitals – 6 separate databases – Contract pricing loaded differently at each hospital – Vendor selection not standard – Data elements different – Descriptions of product different – Difficult to extract data for pricing comparisons within system – Difficult to extract data for contract pricing analysis for system opportunities
Caritas Christi Health Care System 2003 – Implemented Meditech Materials Management module – Moved to a single item file database for hospitals – Central Purchasing implemented
Caritas Christi Health Care System Experience Pre-2003 Go Live – Round One of Data Cleansing Contracted with an external vendor Loaded files Had many corrupt data fields Materials Management team assembled to target key vendor data for editing – Went live on target date of January 1, 2003
Caritas Christi Health Care System Problems Found after Round One Clean-Up – 12,787 items had not been purchased in two or more years and were slated for inactivation – 833 items were discontinued – 7,225 items needed an updated packaging string – 3,939 items needed an updated vendor catalog number – 6,555 items needed an updated manufacturer catalog number
Caritas Christi Health Care System Problems Found in Round One Clean-Up – 651 duplicate items were identified – 22,207 items needed an updated product description – 22,207 items were given an UNSPSC category – 201 duplicate vendors were identified – 1,630 vendors needed updated address information and/or name changes
Caritas Christi Health Care System Data Cleansing Round Two – Needed to resolve these issues – Involved Neoforma – Develop a mechanism to ensure quality and accuracy are maintained going forward Item Add/Edit Template
Brockton Hospital Contract evaluations would take hours and hours because manufacturer information was incomplete Couldn’t answer the question “how much did we spend with Kendall in the last year?” Needed a standardized way to categorize items (UNSPSC) Lack of training of end users in Search functionality resulted in bad practices
How Bad Was the Data? 25,000 “active” items in the Item File 6,400 items purchased in the last 2 years 6,400 items had the manufacturer and catalog number information populated NOT THE SAME 6,400 No method for adding “MISC” items to the Item File
Where Did We Look? CapGemini = $$$$ Cardinal Health GHX Settled on GHX since they are our eCommerce partner
Process Pulled Item File for items purchased in last 24 months Pulled 12 month purchase history Pulled vendor file 60 days later had cleansed data in an Excel spreadsheet
Results Cleansed data still not loaded back into Meditech Able to dramatically reduce time spent to identify contract savings for current items Where available, complete manufacturer information Combined cleansed data with Premier electronic capabilities to proactively Price Activate contracts prior to contract start date Able to proactively load contracts into Meditech for pricing to be in place at the start of the contract and for the pricing to be locked
Lessons Learned Watch the vendor’s ROI…soft vs. hard dollars Can’t upload cleansed data into our version of Meditech Need to validate the data that comes back…not everything was correct coming back because of how incomplete the information was going out
So It’s Clean…Now What?
How do you keep it clean? Policies and procedures “Cleanser Contracted Maintenance” Limiting Access to the Item Master
Caritas Christi Health Care System Comments/InstructionsVendor # Meditech #Vendor Name DescriptionVendor Catalog # Common NameUOP CategoryCost/UOP EOCManufacturer PackagingManufacturer Catalog # Contract Required Data for Item Adds/Edits
Item File Management ActionResponsibilityFrequency Monitor and research pricing discrepancies greater than 5% BuyersDaily Consolidate and enter requests for the addition of new item file products. Check to ensure items contain the following details: Noun based item description Correctly assigned vendor name Underlying manufacturer information for supplies bought through distribution Unit of Measure and related conversion factor details Conforming spend categories Contract identifiers Item Master Administrator Weekly
Item File Management ActionResponsibilityFrequency Monitor contracts expiring in the next 90 days to identify alternative products or contracts. Track and report on Key Performance Indicators Contract Administrator Item Master Administrator(s) Monthly
Item File Management ActionResponsibilityFrequency Mine purchase history file for frequently purchased special orders (off-item file) that should be added to the item file. Inactive products with no 18- month history that do not reside in inventory or on physician preference cards. Evaluate product and vendor consolidation opportunities. Item Master Administrator(s) DMM/Buyer(s) Quarterly
Who Benefits from High Quality Data? End users Purchasing Contracting Vendors Accounts Payable Decision Support Patient Billing Administration/Finance