(4,1)(1,1) (4,-3) (1,4). K(1,1) N(2,3) M(5,3) L(4,1) SİMETRİ AYNASI x y K’(1,-1) L’(4,-1) N’(2,-3)M’(5,-3) A(-1,1)B(-4,1) C(-5,3) D(-2,3)


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Presentation transcript:

(4,1)(1,1) (4,-3) (1,4)

K(1,1) N(2,3) M(5,3) L(4,1) SİMETRİ AYNASI x y K’(1,-1) L’(4,-1) N’(2,-3)M’(5,-3) A(-1,1)B(-4,1) C(-5,3) D(-2,3)

X ekseniY ekseni K(1,1)K’(1,- )A(-,1) L(4,1)L’(4,- )B(-,1) M(5,3)M’(5,- )C(-,3) N(2,3)N’(2,- )D(-,3)

K(1,1) L(4,1) M(5,3)N(2,3) K’(2,1) L’(5,1) M’(6,3) N’(3,3) K’’(2,-1) L’’(5,-1) M’’(6,1) N’’(3,1)

x’de 1 birim sağa y’de 2birim aşağıya K(1,1) + = - = L(4,1) + = - = M(5,3) + = - = N(2,3) + = - = (2,1) (5,1) (6,3) (3,3) (2,1) 1 2 (2,-1) (5,1) 1 2 (5,-1) (6,3) (6,1) (3,3) (3,1)

(4,0) (4,3)(7,3) (0,-4) (3,-4) (3,-7)

A(4,0) Orijin etrafında döndürme A’(, ) -40 B(4,3)-43 B’(, ) C(7,3) C’(, ) -73