SOLUTION TITLE: CLEANUP-MED A new strategy to monitor and reduce the impact of marine litter in Mediterranean Sea M. Cristina Fossi, Silvia Casini, Cristina Panti, Tommaso Campani University of Siena -
Marine litter is an environmental, economic, human health and aesthetic problem on global scale for the marine and coastal environment, representing a serious concern also for the Mediterranean environment. Three billions of litter float or cover the bottom in the Mediterranean Sea, the prevalence (70-80%) is plastic waste. Presence and effect of marine litter in marine organism has been poorly investigated in European areas and represent a threat that requires a series of mitigation/solution actions. PROBLEM ADDRESSED
The CLEANUP-MED project is strongly linked to Descriptor 10 of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive: monitoring and reducing the presence and impact of marine litter in the marine environment to reach the “Good Environmental Status” by DESCRIPTION OF SOLUTION PROPOSED CLEANUP-MED Main Objective To mitigate and reduce the impact of marine litter in the Mediterranean environment using a comprehensive approach Pre and Post Monitoring Actions, Steps: 1 and 6 Monitoring presence and effects of marine litter on wildlife and humans Mitigation Actions, Steps: 2 and 3 To reduce input of marine litter applying already developed best practices Mitigation Action, Steps: 4 and 5 To remove marine litter developing and applying new solutions
Step 1 - MONITORING T 0 (N) Monitoring the presence and effects of marine litter, and secondary pollution caused by leaching of pollutants from litter, in Mediterranean area at Time Zero (T 0 ) before the implementation of solution/mitigation actions. PRE - MONITORING ACTIONS Monitoring marine litter in: coastal shores, sea bottom, water column and surface Monitoring microdebris Monitoring sentinels organisms: detection content and effects of marine litter Monitoring impact on human health
UNISI scientists use bioindicator organisms (cetaceans, sea birds, sea turtles, sharks, sardines, mussels, plankton) to detect content and effects of marine litter in the Mediterranean sea. Plastic stomach content in sea turtles Monitoring sentinels organisms
Steps 2 and 3. INPUT REDUCTIONS AT SEA and ON THE GO (BP) Boaters, fishermen, and marina owners can play a part in controlling the amount of marine debris that ends up in our waterways and oceans. MITIGATION ACTIONS
Step 4. SEA CLEANING (BP-N) Collecting and removing litter by beach cleanup and fishing for litter by the direct removal of litter from the seabed and marine environment. MITIGATION ACTIONS Step 5. RECYCLING MARINE LITTERS: LITTER AS RESOURCE (N) To investigate the possibility of recycling marine litter obtained by Mitigation Actions (Steps 2 and 4) for sea or coastal use purposes.
Step 6. MONITORING Tx Monitoring the reduction of presence and effects of marine litter, and secondary pollution caused by leaching of pollutant from litter, in the Med area at different time scale. (DURING/AFTER the implementation of solution/mitigation actions). Stomach content in sea turtles at T 0 Stomach content in sea turtles at T X POST - MONITORING ACTIONS Time
The CLEANUP MED project is based on a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach that requires a complex networking between: University of Siena, International Scientific Institutions, Universities of the Mediterranean area, Italian/European solid waste management industries, regulatory and competent authorities, fishermen association, stakeholders, NGOs, UNIDO, etc. NETWORKING