Interlibrary Loan and Iowa Libraries Midwest ILL Conference April 10, 2014 Marie Harms
Today’s Topics SILO Interlibrary Loan System Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement Program OCLC Resource Sharing Proxy Service Future of SILO ILL
SILO ILL System A popular program! ▫93,378 completed transactions in 2013 ▫Over 600 Iowa libraries participate Libraries of all types participate ▫Regents Universities ▫Academic ▫School ▫Special ▫State Agency/Organizations ▫Public
SILO Locator All participating libraries add holdings to the Locator SILO File Upload Locator CleanUp Contains millions of holdings
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Non-Participant Referral Forward a request directly to Referral Library to be put in OCLC Use this when an item is only available from a non- participating SILO library
Referral Request
Referral Library Definition The Referral Library is the designated library who will enter ILL requests into OCLC
Set Referral Library SILO ILL System Menu Access Iowa Library Directory/Library Account Information Modify Basic Interlibrary Loan Account Information
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ILL Reimbursement Program Part of the Enrich Iowa Program Over 300,000 transactions were paid out last year ~$1.27 per transaction Funds come from State of Iowa General Fund appropriation
ILL Reimbursement Program Libraries sign the agreement in July Transactions are counted in July for previous year Checks are distributed in the fall
Reporting No report is necessary for ILL transactions made through OCLC and SILO Submit documentation for loans done outside these systems
No reimbursement for Bulk loans of a collection Lost or damaged materials Delivery or postage
OCLC Resource Sharing Proxy Service IaLS District Office staff use OCLC RS to request items from out-of-state libraries Used on a limited basis by small public libraries 3 ways to request ▫Referral library ▫Through FirstSearch ▫Online form
ILL Delivery No statewide delivery system for ILL Some use AEA vans Charging borrower up to $3.00 is allowed in the Reimbursement Program Lack of postage funds can limit availability of ILL
Future of SILO ILL System Statewide Resource Sharing Develop system in house? Ohionet/Equinox project