MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Nazarudin Wijee Mohd Sidek Salleh Grid Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack for CyberSecurity Malaysia in P-GRADE Portal
About Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack and CyberSecurity Malaysia Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. CyberSecurity Malaysia began its operation as the Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) in In 1998, it became the National ICT Security & Emergency Response Centre (NISER) and by 2007, NISER underwent another transformation and was renamed CyberSecurity Malaysia. With a new mandate, CyberSecurity Malaysia is positioned as the national cyber security specialist under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack Benchmark in MIMOS cluster MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. The processing speed is doubled when the number of processors used was doubled Using all 128 CPU Cores at clock speed 2GHz was able to achieve speed of about 63,642 tries per second for Free BSH hash password.
Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack Workflow MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. #!/bin/sh #PBS –N csm.32cpus #PBS -l select=4:ncpus=8 export PROJECT_DIR=project_directory export EXEC_DIR=executable_directory echo "Project Directory = $PROJECT_DIR" echo "Executable Directory = $EXEC_DIR" echo echo "List of files in the project directory $PROJECT_DIR..." ls -l $PROJECT_DIR/ echo echo "List of files in the executable directory $EXEC_DIR/run..." ls -l $EXEC_DIR/run/ echo mpirun -np 32 -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE $EXEC_DIR/run/ csm $PROJECT_DIR/mypasswd What will Submit job do? 1.It will submit (qsub) pbs-script to the local resource manager (PBS Pro) 2.Save the submission PBS Job ID in a file and pass it to the Monitor job.
Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack Workflow MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. # begin monitoring FINISH_STATUS="0" until [[ $FINISH_STATUS -eq "1" ]] do WC=`ssh $PBS_SERVER "tracejob -n 30 $PBS_JOBID | grep 'dequeuing from' | wc -l"` if [[ $WC -eq 1 ]]; then FINISH_STATUS="1" else FINISH_STATUS="0" fi done echo $WC > tracejob.out echo "Job $PBS_JOBID has finished..." What will Monitor job do? 1.It will receive PBS Job ID from Submit job 2.During runtime, it will goes to cluster head node and do PBS Pro tracejob to check it the given PBS Job ID already finished.
Key Size Analysis of Brute Force Attack Workflow MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved.. executor.info zip -r $COLLECT_JOB_DIR/project-directory.zip $PROJECT_DIR echo "Done" > collect.status What will Collect and CleanUp job do? 1.Collect will compress all the output files and in one zip file 2.CleanUp will delete the Job Execution Directory which contain the output files and also delete all the log files.. executor.info echo "Removing project directory..." rm -rf $PROJECT_DIR echo "Removing csm output pot and log files..." $EXEC_DIR/run/cleanup.sh
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