Implementing Committee Meeting May 15 th, 2014 New Braunfels MS4 program and the HCP 1
Storm Water Permit Update 2 Storm water regulations and the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Federally mandated permit and program requirements Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Minimum control measures and implementation
Permit Requirements 3 Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) Submit Notice of Intent (NOI) Annual Reports
Program Requirements 4 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) and Minimum Control Measures (MCM) 1.Public Education, Outreach, and Involvement 2.Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination 3.Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control 4.Post-Construction Storm water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 5.Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
MCM 1: Public Education, Outreach and Involvement 5 Best Management Practices: PE-1: Stormwater Educational Materials and Strategies PE-2: Public Participation and Involvement Programs PE- 3: Partnerships with Other Institutions and Organizations – Alligator/Geronimo WPP, EA HCP, etc. PE-4: Presentation to Local Elementary Schools PE-5: “Love your Park” Volunteer Program PE-6: Tree City USA Program
MCM 2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 6 Best Management Practices: ID-1: Storm Sewer Mapping ID-2: Detection and Elimination Program ID-3: Field Staff Training ID-4: Public Reporting of Illicit Discharges and Spills ID-5: Illicit Discharge Ordinance ID-6: River Cleanup
MCM 3: Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control 7 Best Management Practices: CS-1: Construction Site Inspection Program CS-2: Construction Site Inventory CS-3: Construction Site Waste Control Ordinance CS-4: Construction Site Runoff Control Ordinance
MCM 4: Post-Construction Storm water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 8 Best Management Practices: PC-1: Staff Training PC-2: Post-Construction Development Review Procedures – evaluation/establishment of structural measures to enhance stormwater quality PC-3: Long-Term Operation and Maintenance PC-4: Storm water Management Ordinance for New Development and Redevelopment PC-5: Encouragement of Low Impact Development Designs PC-6: Establish No-Mow Zones
MCM 5: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 9 Best Management Practices: GH-1: Operations and Maintenance: Street Sweeping GH-2: Mapping of Facilities and Inventory Control GH-3: Municipal Operations and Facility Survey GH-4: Facility Inspection Program GH-5: Good Housekeeping Operations – Outdoor Storage GH-6: Fleet and Equipment Maintenance GH-7: Vehicle and Equipment Washing GH-8: Landscaping GH-9: Structural Control Maintenance GH-10: Spill Prevention and Response GH-11: Employee Training Program GH-12: Green Waste Management
Annual Report Requirements 10 The report must include: Status of compliance; Summary of results analyzed; Summary of activities; Proposed changes to SWMP; Description and schedule for additional BMP implementation; and Any agreements with other MS4s. Source: TPDES General Permit No. TXR040000
Impacts 11 Residential and Development Existing Residential homes and lots No impact New and Redevelopment ( 1 acre) Construction – SWPPP still required First.5” rain water quality requirement (Drainage Criteria Manual anticipated update)
Manpower requirements 12 PositionsFTE’s Watershed Manager0.50 Watershed Coordinator0.50 Inspector1.50 Admin 0.50 Total FTE’s needed to support MS4 program3.00
Cost Analysis (yearly) 13 MCMFTE costFixed Cost 1 (Education)$23,160$5,000 2 (Illicit Discharge)$26,045$45,000 3 (Constr. Runoff)$45,760$0 4 (Development)$54,460$0 5 (Housekeeping)$45,320$15,000 Report$14,955$0 Total Costs:$209,700$65,000 TOTAL OVERALL COST:$274,700.00
Low Impact Development (LID) & MS4 What is LID? –LID in the HCP is an incentives based program that allows citizens to participate in improving the quality of the runoff that occurs in and around watersheds draining to Landa Lake. How does LID in the HCP differ from MS4? –LID program in the HCP concentrates on opportunities for stormwater quality enhancement in areas draining to critical habitats. The MS4 program is a city wide city funded program. 14
LID focus 15 Public education is focused on citizens within watersheds draining to critical habitats Long term establishment of program efficiencies based on water quality monitoring Rebate program for LID features in areas just upstream of critical habitats Website development of the habitat and LID education relationship Pilot and Test projects BMP’s New technologies for improving water quality
Impervious Cover / Water Quality / LID Budget Table 7.1 $ 100, WP$ 100,000 No identified decisions or deviations
Impervious Cover / Water Quality (WQ) / Low Impact Development (LID) 2013 work plan activities Beginning stages of the creation of the overall LID plan through public involvement and meetings with City of New Braunfels 2014 work plan Further development of LID/WQ program in watersheds draining to critical habitats Implementation of the LID/BMP program utilizing public involvement and feedback