Josephine County Solid Waste Agency Master Recycler Program March 1, 2010
Solid Waste in Josephine County
Solid Waste Agency City of Grants Pass and Josephine County Formed the Agency in 2001 Cave Junction joined the Agency in 2005 Membership
Solid Waste Agency Administers Five Franchise Agreements on behalf of: City of Grants Pass (Allied Waste & Southern Oregon Sanitation) Josephine County (Allied Waste & Southern Oregon Sanitation) City of Cave Junction (Southern Oregon Sanitation) Rate Setting and Evaluation Audit and Oversight Marlsan Landfill Cleanup Primary Responsibility
Budget Policies No Employees allowed by IGA Contract for Management Service Current Contract with City of Grants Pass 15% of all Gross Revenues to Environmental Liability Assurance Fund Excess Revenue Held in Fund Balance
BUDGET FY’10 REVENUE $1,624,700 Budgetary Fund Balance$ 1,321,700 Env Liab Assurance$ 581,335 Marlsan$ 480,000 Fund Balance$ 260,365 Environmental Program Fees$ 243,000 Interest$ 15,000 Excess Profit Payment$ 45,000
Environmental Program Fee Environmental Program Fee (EPF) EPF is a $5.00 per ton fee collected on each ton of waste collected in Josephine County Excess profits of Allied Waste and Southern Oregon Sanitation above 13% are split with Agency 50% - 50% Designed for: Solid Waste Programs Environmental Monitoring Landfill Post-closure Maintenance Remediation of Contaminated Sites Other Actions Ordered by DEQ
BUDGET FY’10 EXPENDITURES $1,624,700 Operating Supplies$ 600 Contractual Services$ 33,612 Loan Payments$ 366,772 Project Costs$ 182,800 Household Hazardous Waste Event$ 30,000 Charges for Services$ 4,300 Capital Outlay (Marlsan)$ 134,244 Contingency / Reserve$ 797,372 Contingency$ 75,000 Operating Reserve$ 177,337 Env Liability Assurance$ 620,035
Marlsan Landfill Remediation Project City Issued Full Faith and Credit Debt Agency Assures Debt with Environmental Program Fees Marlsan Financing $1,500,000 debt First payments - June, 2004 Scheduled last payment – December, 2013 Early payoff – June, 2010
Approved FY’08 Projects Josephine County Litter Cleanup$6,000 Total Approved$6,000
Approved FY’09 Projects City of Grants Pass Code Enforcement$24,000 Clean Forests Project$14,100 Josephine County Litter Cleanup$6,000 RCC Recycling $37,345 Total Approved$81,445
Approved FY’10 Projects City of Grants Pass Code Enforcement$20,000 Clean Forests Project$17,250 Josephine County Litter Cleanup$6,000 Kerby Landfill Maintenance$42,000 Woodson Reservoir Asbestos Abatement$16,000 RCC Recycling $25,458 Marlsan and Kerby Landfill Monitoring $54,800 Total Approved$181,508
Upcoming Projects Curbside Yard Waste Collection Fluorescent Light Bulb Disposal Prescription Drug Take Back
Solid Waste Agency Revenues
Solid Waste Agency Resources
Solid Waste Agency Expenses
City of Grants Pass Solid Waste Merlin Landfill Closed approximately 1998 Ongoing environmental monitoring Methane gas collection Site maintenance Fuels reduction & reforestation JOGRO™ Co-Composting Facility Wastewater Treatment Biosolids Vegetative waste Wood waste collection Allied Waste Transfer Station
Solid Waste Agency & City of Grants Pass Solid Waste QUESTIONS ?