HORIZONT 1 The IT Information System Eclipse RDz plugin HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / XINFO
HORIZONT 2 What is XINFO? A complete cross referencing tool for reporting and to analyze data from a wide variety of systems of the datacenter: XINFO Assembler, C, Cobol, PL/I, Java, … JCL, Script, CICS, DB2, IMS, SMF, … Automic, CA7, Control-M TWS, Zeke, …
HORIZONT 3 Database and Dialog Analysis results are loaded in DB2 z/OS, Oracle or MS SQL. The data can be acccesed by easy to install and easy to use dialogs as ISPF, Windows-GUI or eclipse RDz plugin.
HORIZONT 4 What Purpose has XINFO? XINFO helps in projects like - maintain or reshape legacy applications - merge, consolidate or separate datacenters - cleanup production environments - convert scheduling systems and more … XINFO quick and accurate helps to gather information like - where is a program or dataset used? - who is using/updating which DB2 table? - where is a sub program, copybook or variable used? - when and how did a (critical) job run, was it late? - etc. …
HORIZONT 5 Why an eclipse RDz plugin? XINFO’s eclipse RDz Plug-In allows to access XINFO tables directly out of eclipse based development environments like RDz or others It’s a seamless integration into developer’s workbench Following slides are showing a few samples to give a first impression. Eclipse is a development environment that is quite popular in Java development. RDz (Rational Developer for system z) is a development environment for z/OS (Cobol, PL/I).
HORIZONT 6 Search e.g. which programs are using that include? How to work with XINFO, RDz (eclipse) 1) Start XINFO
HORIZONT 7 2) Select COBOL COPY Cobol Copy
HORIZONT 8 3) Search criteria Cobol Copy
HORIZONT 9 Cobol Copy Result (programs, source member, line no. of copy statement etc.)
HORIZONT 10 Browse Source Right mouse give more information or e.g. browse source code
HORIZONT 11 Browse Source Quick view to source code (member from z/OS)
HORIZONT 12 Programs used in JCL In which batch jobs runs my program? 1) Select JCL EXEC
HORIZONT 13 Programs used in JCL 2) Search criteria
HORIZONT 14 Programs used in JCL, Run Info 3) Result (Jobname, Stepname, Parm etc.) Right mouse give more information, e.g. SMF Data
HORIZONT 15 SMF program run information Based on SMF start/end times, duration, CPU usage etc.)
HORIZONT 16 DB2 Access Which programs are accessing my DB2 table? 1) Select Cobol DB2 access
HORIZONT 17 DB2 Access 2) Search criteria
HORIZONT 18 DB2 Access 3) Result (Program, Statement Line, Object (=Table/View), Action, etc.)
HORIZONT 19 Any questions about XINFO eclipse RDz?
HORIZONT 20 Thank you very much for your attention! HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / The IT Information System XINFO