Activity One: Protect the Coral Reefs Protect the Coral Reefs Activity Two: It is adj. that S (should) V…. It is adj. that S (should) V…. BACK
Protect the Coral Reefs Coral reefs have been called underwater gardens. They are important because they provide habitats for many other forms of live. Therefore, protecting them is our duty.
What is coral? What makes it colorful? What is the living condition? What causes coral bleaching? What can coral benefit us? How can we protect coral reefs? Where are coral reefs located?
Coral is a limestone formation formed by tiny animals called coral polyps. Immovable as it is, coral is an animal stuck in its ways. What is coral? At one end is a mouth surrounded by tiny tentacles The other end attaches to its neighbor. A tube-shaped body
What makes it colorful? Most corals are not naturally colored. The color is provided by tiny algae lodging within the polyp’s own body.
What is the living condition? Clean, shallow, warm water where there is a lot of water movement, plenty of light.
Where are coral reefs located?
The algae lodging within coral need to photosynthesize to survive. Once the quality of the water or temperature suddenly changes, the algae are forced to leave. It bleaches the coral and kills it in turn. What causes coral bleaching? Dead coral
Coral provides a habitat for many other forms of life. In addition, the economic, tourism, fishing and recreational resources of tropical areas around the world depend upon healthy coral reef ecosystems. Coral could save our lives: Scientists have synthesized the anti-cancer coral compound in the lab. What can coral benefit us?
How to protect coral reefs? 1/4 Surf the net! A good starting point is at Don’t start a live rock aquarium. Become a member of your local aquarium or zoo. Be an informed consumer. Only buy marine aquarium fish if you know they have been collected in an ecologically sound manner.
How to protect coral reefs? 2/4 Volunteer for a reef cleanup. When you visit a coral reef, help keep it healthy. If you dive, don’t touch! Don’t anchor on the reef. Hire local guides when visiting coral reef ecosystems.
How to protect coral reefs? 3/4 Don’t pollute. Recycle. Conserve water. Keep it clean. Don’t use chemically enhanced pesticides and fertilizers. Report dumping or other illegal activities.
How to protect coral reefs? 4/4 Volunteer. Support the creation and maintenance of marine parks and reserves. Support reef-friendly businesses and conservation organizations. Spread the word.
Sentence Pattern Practices
Activity Instructions In this activity, you are to practice an important sentence pattern: It is adj. that S. (should) V…. vitalimportantessentialnecessary concernedurgentimperativeproper advisablepreferable
Melody It’s vital that Melodyhide the red envelope. I should hide the red envelope.
Much Firdy Much thinks it is important that Firdy clean his paw before touching him. You should clean your paw before you touch me.
Much advices his brothers Learning new tricks is important. ? ? ? It is advisable that youlearn new tricks.
Much suggests Sleeping on books makes me wiser. It is imperative that everyone sleep on books.
Gulu thinks… We should help Mom clean the house. It is necessary that everyone help Mom clean the house.
I need to understand the meaning of life. Much It is __________ that Much understand the meaning of life. necessary
Jessica suggests that everyone do weightlifting every day. Jessica and Much You should do weightlifting every day.
You should read those books first. Kiki thinks it is preferable that Much read the books first. Kiki Please come play with me. Much
It is essential that everyone get enough rest. We should get enough rest.
It is necessary that family members always support each other. Family members should always support each other.