“ Ei comes back to Bratislava ” Nick Turner - Elsevier Engineering Information Inc
Engineering Information are pleased to introduce the new Available November 2002 A Java/XML platform
Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Clearer navigation and new page designs. Database descriptions and search tips have been added to the various interfaces. Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Clearer navigation and new page designs. Database descriptions and search tips have been added to the various interfaces.
Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Quicker response time when searching. Search results begin on new page (not below search pages). Full Text availability on results page The downloading feature is being expanded and should work with any bibliographic utility that uses the RIS format. Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Quicker response time when searching. Search results begin on new page (not below search pages). Full Text availability on results page The downloading feature is being expanded and should work with any bibliographic utility that uses the RIS format.
Combined INSPEC and Compendex Searching a time saving feature will insure better results, especially in areas with most overlap (electrical and electronic engineering, computers and control, information technology & applied physics) de-duplication of results from the first 200 hits
Changes to Compendex A major data cleanup: errors identified over last several years will be corrected and loaded Look up indexes being rebuilt with better data.
More Improvements to Interface Ability to search last 4 updates. This replaces Compendex: The Last Two Weeks Treatment types limits are being added to Quick Search. Currently treatment types can only be used in Expert Search. Users will be able to limit by the type of article, e.g. product review, historical slant, etc The ability to turn autostemming on/off is being added to Quick Search
Treatment Codes
UPSTO + SCIRUS USPTO & Espacenet: searchable fields have been expanded to include all the fields searchable on the USPTO site Scirus: Scirus can now be searched directly in EV2/Java. This allows the user to transfer a search from another EV2 database. Users will be able to search all Web sources, journal sources or both.
Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Search terms will be highlighted in the abstract and detailed records. This will make it much easier for users to see why they got the results they did. Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Search terms will be highlighted in the abstract and detailed records. This will make it much easier for users to see why they got the results they did.
Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Search history has been added to Quick Search. Currently only Expert Search has a search history. Users will be able to combine searches from the same databases and interfaces to form new refined searches. Elsevier Engineering Info. comments: Search history has been added to Quick Search. Currently only Expert Search has a search history. Users will be able to combine searches from the same databases and interfaces to form new refined searches.
Results List
De-duplication of records
De-duplicated list
CRC Press ENGnetBASE Handbooks Leading publisher of engineering handbooks 150+ handbooks online in fulltext Search, view, browse and download the PDF’s Online Usage available
CRC Press CHEMnetBASE Handbooks
Other CRC Press Handbook Collections ENVIROnetBASE: 90 handbooks MATHnetBASE: 29 handbooks STATSnetBASE: 20 handbooks FOODnetBASE: 29 handbooks FORENSICnetBASE: 20 handbooks InfoSecurityNetBASE: 20 handbooks
ChemVillage: Chimica Database 600 high-impact chemistry journals Beilstein Abstracts, abstracts in organic chemistry CBNB - Chemical Business NewsBase, industry & trade information Patents Links to CRC Handbooks
INSPEC on EV2 Eva Dimmock Sales and Training Executive