Team Members:Refined Model:Targets and Challenges: Top view Front view Design of a New Middleweight BattleBot for the IUPUI Robotics Team Side view Weight – The weight limits are 40 to 120 lbs. Final weight was 118lbs Challenge: The plating on the chassis for armor was the heaviest part of the robot and the chassis was continuously modified to minimize plating. Cost – Budget was set by IUPUI BattleBot team at $2500. The actual cost from BOM is close to $2300. Challenge: Throughout the process the cost gradually climbed due to the need to chose lighter weight components without compromising quality. Force of Attack – The ability to inflict damage is a BattleBot’s main function. Ram force – attack delivered by BattleBot ram provides approximately 5000 lb-force. Pneumatic Punch - delivers a force of 3000 lb behind a tool grade steel punch. Challenge: Designing a robot that could inflict maximum damage without damaging itself. # Attacks Per Round – BattleBot is built to run and ram for the entire match. The pneumatic punch is able to deliver 35 punches a match. Challenge: As the chosen cylinder got bigger the force applied rose as well as weight. The larger the cylinder, the fewer punches could be achieved a match. Current Draw – The BattleBot must run for the entire 6 minutes of the match. Onboard battery has 18amphour rating. Worst case - robot will run at stall torque (pushing against a wall the entire match) and pull 200+ amps constant current. At this rate the battery will die in 5.4 minutes. A realistic average of amps over the entire match shows battery will be more than adequate for the 6 minute match. Challenge: Each battery weights 18 lbs and therefore we must design the electrical system so only one is needed. Project Consultants: Insert picture 3-D Model (Pro/ENGINEER) Insert Image Prof. Dr. Jie Chen Faculty Advisor Dept. of Mech. Engr. Brian Deckard President IUPUI Robotics Team Daniel Reed Vice President IUPUI Robotics Team BattleBot description: BattleBots is the sport of remote-controlled robotic combat. Contestants all over the world design robot warriors to compete in a fast-paced, ruthless competition to see who can destroy their opponent’s robot first. Project purpose: -Assist IUPUI Robotics team. -Gain experience dealing with design criteria. -Learn integration of technologies and principles of systems design. Project expectations: -Complete design of a BattleBot structure, armor, drive system and weapon. -Design within competition parameters - Must perform competitively - Opponents of the IUPUI BattleBot must be pounded into Oblivion!! Final Battlebot Design: - Battlebot weight: 118 lbs - Battlebot cost: $ Ram Attack: 4800 lb force. Punch Attack: 3000 lb force - Adequate Ram Attacks per match, 35 Pneumatic Punch Attacks/Match - Battlebot Run Time: 20 minutes Mechanical Design Process: Jamin BakerSenior, Mechanical Engineering. Experience in assembly language and three-dimensional modeling; F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Benjamin BurnsSenior, Mechanical Engineering. Experience in three-dimensional modeling with specialty in I-DEAS; F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Ginger JessopJohnson Controls, Inc. Senior, Engineering Management. Experience in marketing, business law, operations management and project management. Michael LongRolls-Royce Senior, Mechanical Engineering. Experience in three-dimensional modeling and finite element analysis; F.I.R.S.T. Robotics ME 462 Capstone Design: Spring 2004 Insert picture Colin Callahan Student Designer F.I.R.S.T. Robotics PROJECTS ASSIGNED SPLIT PROJECT? DRIVE SYSTEM QFD WEAPON/ CHASSIS QFD SPLIT PROJECT? YES CONCEPT GENERATION CONCEPT EVALUATION PRODUCT GENERATION PRODUCT EVALUATION ONLY OFF- SHELF PARTS? THE END