Vocabulary Unit 4
alliance (al li ance) Definition – (n) a joining together for some common purpose On the reality show “Survivor,” some of the people form an alliance in hopes of winning the million dollars.
bewilder (be wil der) Definition – (v) to puzzle completely, confuse Does Goofy appear to look bewildered?
buffoon (buf foon) Definition - (n) a clown Do not become the class buffoon.
controversial (con tro ver sial) Definition – (adj) arousing argument, or disagreement Religion and politics are controversial topics.
dishearten (dis heart en) Defiinition - (v) to discourage Do not let your team’s losses dishearten you.
fruitless (fruit less) Definition – (adj) not producing the desired results, unsuccessful His effort proved fruitless in his search for his lost dog.
hostile (hos tile) Definition – (adj) unfriendly; unfavorable; warlike The prosecutor at the trial called a hostile witness to the stand.
inflammable (in flam ma ble) Definition – (adj) easily set on fire; easily angered Flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.
inflict (in flict) Definition – (v) to give or cause something unpleasant A snake bite will inflict pain.
malignant (ma lig nant) Definition – (adj) deadly, extremely harmful, evil Is this mole on your skin malignant?
mortify (mor ti fy) Definition – (v) to hurt someone’s feelings deeply; to cause embarrassment This outfit might mortify you if you had to wear it.
orthodox (or tho dox) Definition – (adj) in agreement with established or generally accepted beliefs or ways of doing things This novel is about a family who raised their girls in orthodox ways.
procure (pro cure) Definition – (v) to obtain through special effort; to bring about The cowboys wanted to procure more land for their cattle.
scurry (scur ry) Definition – (v) to run quickly, scamper, hurry This mouse knows how to scurry when he needs to get away quickly.
sodden (sod den) Definition – (adj) soaked with liquid or moisture, expressionless, dull The bread was sodden with gravy.
spirited (spir it ed) Definition – (adj) full of life and vigor, courageous The spirited horse led the parade.
virtual (vir tu al) Definition – (adj) having a certain force or effect in fact but not in name; so close as to be equivalent to the real thing The children were in awe as they stared at the virtual fish tank.
void Definition – (adj) completely empty; (n) empty or unfilled space (v) to cancel or nullify Why would you void a check?
wayward (way ward) Definition – (adj) disobedient, willful; unpredictable . Wayward boys were sent to the camp when they broke the law.
wince Definition – (v) to draw back suddenly, as though in pain or fear; (n) the act of drawing back in this way I could see her wince in pain when the needle pricked her skin.