Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors - NOMAGE4 - NETNUC/GEN4FIN meeting 3.4.2009, VTT, Espoo Sami Penttilä


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Presentation transcript:

Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors - NOMAGE4 - NETNUC/GEN4FIN meeting , VTT, Espoo Sami Penttilä

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 2 OBJECTIVES NOMAGE4 Nordic dimension To survey GenIV activities in the Nordic countries To create a network for interested parties with GenIV activities To establish co-operation and identify partners for R&D applications to VR, EU etc. To build a sustainable forum for GenIV issues, especially focussing on nuclear materials integrity and safety: fuels, cladding, structural materials and coolant interaction. To develop an understanding of materials issues and their implications for design, operation & safety of GenIV reactors Spreading knowledge on GenIV issues and ongoing research to different parties involved in the nuclear field, such as universities and utilities. Inspiring young people for GenIV related R&D.

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 3 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Build-up a website for the forum, (2008) Identify the Nordic organizations which are involved in research concerning GENIV and other interested partners. ( ) Initiate the collaboration with organizations which are involved in research concerning GenIV and other interested partners from other Nordic countries. ( ) Initiation of a Nordic Network. (2009)

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 4 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY days workshop/yr for partners, research organisations, universities and companies. (2009 – 2010) Increase the awareness of GENIV in training by e.g. collaboration with existing nuclear young generation societies, by e.g. giving presentations on GENIV issues. (2008 – 2010) Listing research topics and priorities. (2008 – 2010) Investigate the funding possibilities. (2008 – 2010)

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 5 PARTNERS Studsvik Nuclear, Swedish forum/network coordinator: Clara Anghel, Sofia Björnsson VTT, Finnish forum/network coordinator and other persons: Sami Penttilä (GEN4FIN-VTT), Timo Vanttola (NOMAGE4), Antti Daavittila (NKS), Ulla Ehrnstén, Aki Toivonen, Seppo Vuori, Eija K. Puska, Jarmo Ala-Heikkilä (TKK) Vattenfall, Pål Efsing Work will be performed also to identify the interest of Norwegian (Prof. Truls Norby, from University of Olso), Danish and Icelandic organizations to be part of a Nordic network for research on GENIV.

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 6 MEMBERS Vattenfall Pål Efsing, Daniel Westlén E.ON Camilla Söderqvist Westinghouse Anders Andrén Nordic Nuclear Safety Research NKS VTT Timo Vanttola Finnish research network for generation four nuclear energy systems GENIVFIN TVO Liisa Heikinheimo Fortum Jyrki Kohopää IFE The Halden Reactor Project, Rudi van Nieuwenhove KTH Nuclear Power Safety, Tomas Lefvert Reactor Physics, Janne Wallenius Nuclear Reactor Technology, Henryk Anglart Nuclear Chemistry, Mats Jonsson Corrosion Science, Christofer Leygraf Chalmers Nuclear Engineering, Imre Pazsit Nuclear Chemistry, Gunnar Skarnemark Uppsala Universitet Department of Physicsand astronomy, AneHåkansson SKC Swedish Centre for Nuclear Technology Jan Blomgren

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 7 How to work? Network structure Identification of GenIV national coordinators Sweden, Studsvik Finland, VTT Norway, Halden Denmark and Iceland, to be identified Nordic network coordinators: Studsvik & VTT Workplan Each national coordinator will identify and present the information about their national GENIV activities evaluate and report the infrastructure facilities, measurement techniques, modeling capabilities The Nordic GenIV activity report will be then prepared and presented on GenIV website Spreading knowledge and exchange information by organizing a Nordic workshop to which also young generation societies from all the Nordic countries are invited (tentative days in Studsvik) To establish cooperation and identify partners for R&D applications to VR, EU etc The idea of the network is to combine the resources of different research teams in order to carry out more ambitious and extensive research programs than would be possible for the individual teams. Plans for continuation and ideeas for the first Nordic international GenIV collaboration project, e.g. FP7 Tools for information sharing GenIV website: NOMAGE4 report, will be done once a year Other reports and open literature

VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 8 Third GEN4FIN workshop in OCTOBER 2009 Osallistutaan NOMAGE4:n järjestämään 2 päivän GENIV seminaariin Studsvikissa lokakuuta Menomatka lentäen Takaisin Tukholmasta laivalla, jossa pidettäisiin GEN4FIN-palaveri